Hey ...listen guys.....

Not sure if I have posted this information on this forum concerning comms...so here goes...

About the Baofeng radios and also ham...shortwave rigs...

What the Baofengs do is give one access to short range comms...not just in receiving but also in transmit functions.

As I stated..I have both the MURS frequencies and the GMRS/FRS frequencies programmed into mine and they do not require a license. These frequencies can be found on the web.

However....be aware that in a legitimate emergency you do not need a license to transmit on the ham bands....emergencies take priority over everything.

Now...I taught myself to build my own antennas for Short range Baofeng VHF/UHF frequencies out of angle bar and or solid aluminum rod. I can also do this out of that olde 300 ohm flat antenna stereo/TV antenna wire. Also from what is called ladder line.

Gaining altitude with a radio antenna helps a lot in receiving and transmitting.

The upper floors of a parking garage will also help..bearing in mind...operational security.

For long range reception I have my ham radio transmitters/receivers as they will also receive the short wave bands.

I am also in the habit of keeping around three of these receivers...one of them in a locker at work....with a hidden long wire antenna which can be pulled out then stashed back into hiding when I am done..



This shortwave radio was chosen specifically because can receive single side band signals....via what is called a beat frequency oscillator...BFO. I like to listen to certain of the hams..and ham nets and they mostly use Single Sideband mode.

You also want to keep back plenty of batteries for this kind of rig and I keep four spare AA batteries in my pocket at all times and another four in my daily BOB/GHB....as they also fit my Mag Lite.
One should, as much as possible, plan around a common battery type as necessary.

I have spare batteries for my Baofengs radios as well...the oversized 3800 mAh batteries.

I also have this Grundig radio from the early days....but it does not have Single Sideband Capabilities but only AM on short wave.


The shortwave radios give you both short range reception in the AM/FM bands and also long range reception in the shortwave bands...,that is their advantage to me.

The baofeng radios are an inexpensive adaption in a group setting and particularly on large areas/properties to keep in touch. This would be where a base station Baofeng would come in handy ..to keep in touch with people on the outlying areas of the property. There are antenna adapters made for this.,..to hook the baofeng up to a base station type antenna.


Nonetheless..the advantage is should one desire both long range and short range communications.

Hope some of you find this information's useful.


Not an Ishmaelite.