Quote Originally Posted by Domeguy View Post
Dear 2019,
I would personally like to take this time to tell you as a year...you suck.
May you rot in the pits of whatever you years rot in.
I hope we never meet, because I will punch you in the balls.
I bet your mother never liked you either.
Long live 2020...you have got to be better than that sucky 2019
Ok...2020...we need to talk. You know what kind of relationship 2019 and I had.
When we first met, you said you would take care of me, cherish me, even to love me.
You promised to keep me far out of harms way, to keep me safe.
But you lied to me. You hurt my feelings, literally.
You couldn’t even wait one week, seven measly days, before you took me into your arms and crushed my dreams of a good year.
You fiendishly waited until the rain had soaked the porch, catching me off guard, and hurling me off the steps, only to leave me lying in a muddy lump of pain.
So 2020, in less than a week, you broke my foot and damaged the knee 2019 got. So, you have me down, but not out for another 3 months. Why should you care I haven’t been able to walk, jump, happily skip and frolic in the sun, or pleasure my wife for the last 9 months, with another 3 to go.
2020, you are just like 2019, Hitler, Pelosi, and Stalin. May you rot in the calendar you have chosen to hide in.