Y'all might get a laugh, I went to the grocery store this morning and took a swig of my coffee. It went down the wrong pipe and I started coughing, lady behind me in the aisle started to freak out. Her friend popped her on the arm and told her to calm down that I had just had the coffee go down the wrong pipe and asked me if I was okay. told her yes, I swallowed a bug, got a laugh from them. The lady did apologize for over reacting but sheez, People are getting antsy around here as no one knows what to believe right now. Read a post on Modern Survival from someone who has a brother over in So K, Owner of the site knows the poster and allowed it to be posted as he trusted the poster. Brother is a minister and has been in contact with some of his fellow Chinese ministers. Minister says it's 100 times worse than the Government is letting on from what his fellow ministers have said.