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Thread: Novel Coronavirus 2020 megathread

  1. #21
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Oct 2011
    Call me an optimist? BUT, I think this "flu" is no different than any other, just a different strain. Lookin at the numbers it just doesn't stack up. You might as well say there is a hurricane coming and everyone needs to evacuate the coast. "Oh......look it's petering out and now heading up the coast." Sorry you ran out and bought all that shit for no reason. Good Drill!

    But hey, they convinced Trump into signing off on a few billion though didn't they? Hey only wanted 2.5 million. Now I wonder where alllll that money is really going to go.
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  2. #22
    Senior Member
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    By Brownwater River rat 13,

    But hey, they convinced Trump into signing off on a few billion though didn't they? Hey only wanted 2.5 million. Now I wonder where alllll that money is really going to go.
    Asking myself the same where will all that money disappear amongst the Ishmaelites????


    Not an Ishmaelite

  3. #23
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    As I listen to the radio this morning.........we're in a full blown panic attack! Hell just last week we had a tornado "outbreak" here in Tennessee! I hope that doesn't spread throughout the country. They closing buildings down an Hillary's out wiping everything down with bleach! It's fuckin ridiculous with the media spreading panic politicians going home cause they can't work for fear of getting sick. Just think the democrat candidates running for pres will likely die from the virus cause they are in the "too old" category.

    Just stupid............there's not much to say about this. Oh, Rahm Emanuel, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.”
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  4. #24
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Barney has Coronary issues. Already had 1 heart attack at the start of the campain. Biden is in early-mid stages of dementia. Just watch and see who his VP is. I'd lay money it'll be a female. Top of the list for me right now. Muchelle Obummer, Hitlery, and the black chick that was running for prez but dropped out. Shes a former prosecutor from Cali and now a congress critter or senator. Can't think of her name. But all three of them together, any of them, would be horrible news for the US. I seriously doubt Biden would make it thru his term in office without being removed.

  5. #25
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Concur BP.
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  6. #26
    For the Love of Cats

    Sniper-T's Avatar
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    Hey all,

    Sorry for my tardiness of late... had some computer issues, and general life business.

    All is well with me and mine, stores here are like everywhere mentioned, shelves emptied of the basics by the sheeple. I need nothing that they're binge buying, but am topping off a few things that they haven't thought of yet, but will clean off the shelves in a couple weeks if this continues to progress.

    My company has banned all travel, including domestic; which I'm not too choked about, as I was scheduled for a couple business trips in the next couple weeks.

    Here's a site I've been watching...
    Give a man fire, and he'll be warm for a day!
    Light a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life!

    Cat's are food... not friends!

    If you're going to fight, then fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp into Noah's arc... and brother, it's starting to rain.

  7. #27
    Walking on Sunshine

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    Mid Michigan
    Went to the store for our scripts this morning, first time in 30+years I've seen the shelves at Meijers completely empty.Paper products, bleach and wipes, sanitizers Even bar soap is almost gone. They're even limiting the number of pkgs of diapers per person.Went to get some 15 oz cans of vegetable broth for cooking and it was ALL gone, even the expensive, organic ones were gone. DH has to do regular shots (self administered), he's running out of alcohol swabs and they don't have an eta on when they're getting more. The butcher counter, bulk areas and the deli's are shut down till further notice at the stores.It's been crazy around here.Now the Governor has made it so the restaurants can only have 1/2 the limit in their restaurants at any one time. Schools are all closed, the production we have tickets for has been shut down as is all of Broadway. Bro & SIL in NV are ok except my bro is upset , there is no more shampoo anywhere. Seriously that's what he said "ALL the shampoo is gone" not just the brand he buys ALL of it is gone. Told him I'd send him a couple of bottles if he got desperate. LOL. Talked to baby bro in WA today, he says he has a cold and I am praying that is all he has. Told him to get his arse to the doctor Monday and get tested as he sounded terrible. Sisters in VA are okay. Middle sis cleans the office she works in for extra pay. There were 2 giant bags of TP in the stock room when she left Friday, she went in today to clean and it was gone as are the sanitizers. Guess someone(with keys) in the company went shopping at the office. She works for AC/heating company as supply mgr and she now has to em everyone, thanking the thief as they'll all have to bring tp from home or as she said "air dry". She's really pissed as she thinks she knows who took it, probably the self important BFF of the owners wife who works there AND they can't get dust masks for the guys installing the ac/heating because of all the idiots out there. Haven't heard from nephew in TX, a NICU nurse, but the last FB post he and husband are ok so far and are staying healthy.Other nieces and nephews, knock wood, are okay as well. DH and I are still planning on driving down to GA for the baby's birthday unless we're shut down, as in nobody in, nobody out in the state. Stay safe and as my grandpa would say Warsh yer hands!!

  8. #28
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    Metrocruiser's Avatar
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    Hi backpacker,
    The same thing happened to me during the Christmas school holidays. I was sick as a dog and I feel that I went through a couple of bugs during mid Dec to mid January. I was hurting really bad and then my wife caught it off me. My kids were a little under the weather before xmas break. I thought maybe they shed the germs to me and since I am older and weaker immune system it got me.

    I have not read the rest of the thread, I hope you have recovered from it all.

    Quote Originally Posted by bacpacker View Post
    I haven't been very active in some time. I came down with something in Early Dec and still haven't gotten over it. It has kicked my butt. Started as a sinus infection and cough, developed wheezing pretty bad and now after 5 Dr visits, 2 rounds of anitbiotics, 2 rounds of Steroids, and now 3 weeks on a nebulizer I go to see a Pulmanary Dr tomorrow, hopefully they can sort it out and get me on the road to getting over this crap. Last few weeks I've been getting some strange looks when I go out. Folks at work have been asking if I have Coronavirus. Nope I tell them, just tryin to hock up a lung.

    I have been trying to track this and expect things are probably 10 times what is being told. Economic conditions are gonna take a hit, even if this ends soon. And I don't expect that to happen.
    The future belongs to those who prepare for it.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson

    The only time one should “fight fair” is when one is engaged in play.

  9. #29
    looking at their tools while posting pictures of mine.
    Domeguy's Avatar
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    about 20 minutes outside Lynchburg, TN...but which way...
    I’ve been telling family and friends, (those who would listen) once the trucks stop delivering to Walmart and the shelves go empty, that’s when the chances of society going all to hell. We have already seen it with all of the hoarding, fights while waiting in line, those kids of things. I don’t know if this virus is seriously a severe strain or not, but it does at least give us a real life chance to find out if what we are doing as preppers is working or not. This might bring in new blood to the site.
    "Teach the children quietly
    For someday sons and daughters
    Will rise up and fight while we stood still"

    I stayed up all night to see where the sun went. Then it dawned on me.

  10. #30
    Walking on Sunshine

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    Feb 2012
    Mid Michigan
    Hope all is well down your way Dome, BRR and all.
    DIL2 and kids are out of school for 6 weeks she said this morning. The school she works at is going to do a food pick up for the not so well off 2 days a week. Other than that she is self quarantining as Son2 still has to go to work. Asked if they were okay for supplies, she told me they are okay for the next 2 weeks,TP,etc. Told her to get themselves and the animals over here if they have to IF the shelves don't get stocked by then. Son2 had to take grson2 to eye doctor so he called to see if there were any elderly there before he went in. As Son 2 works in the public ,he wanted to be sure to keep exposure to the minimum.
    DH's BFF and walking buddy called and cancelled walking with him as he woke up this am with low grade fever and was heading to his scheduled Dr's appt. Praying he's not infected. I told DH if friend has it, we're DEFINITELY NOT going down south and we are not going ANYWHERE. He'll just have to walk around the house for his exercise LOL. My Dr is down sick as well (reception didn't say what, just Docs out for next few days ill) so all appts there have been canceled. DIL2 did go out to $ store Sunday and loaded up on craft stuff to keep the kids busy for the next 6 weeks. Governor just shut down all restaurants in store dining starting at 3pm today but will allow drive thru and delivery, so the restaurants don't lose too much money but I am wondering how soon that will change. Grub hub stated they will continue to deliver pre paid stuff and will call/text you and have the people leave the packages on your porch. When I went to the store yesterday, picked up a bottle of 91% alcohol just to be sure we had it in case DH DOES run out of his swabs and I think I got the last bottle. At least that's what I think from some of the comments I was hearing when people couldn't find any.
    Was on another site and there was some discussion of a possible non essential inter state travel ban (ie going to b-day party , non essential, etc) in the works but nothing definite so we'll be watching this closely over the next week n half. Anyone hearing this kind of chatter?



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