Where I live in SoCal, a bit east of Pasadena, most people are heeding the stay home request/edict. The majority of people are using a facemask if they go out. I personally know one older gentleman who played in a community band with me in Burbank who was diagnosed with the C-19 on 3/20 and on 3/23 passed away. He was in good health but was 93! In the actual city where I live there are no reported cases of the virus. I have followed the reported death rate and I am getting about 2.5% of those who have tested positive have died. Not as deadly as many had thought, but it is certainly easier to spread this bug.

We have been having a long session, for us, of early spring rain. Since Sunday it has been one storm after another, with perhaps no more than 3 hours between!. That is good since we were behind on on rainfall and the snowpack in the Sierra Mountains was below average. Since a great deal of California water is dependent on that snowpack it is a welcome storm.

Due to my schedule from mid-December to early April I rarely get to the gun range to do a little practice. Now, I can't get out due to this virus.

In many communities gun stores have been declared "non-essential" and closed. That is an order that is being challenged as unconstitutional and we will have to see what the lower courts here say. If I do get to a range, I will have to be wise in expending practice ammo!