Hi backpacker,
The same thing happened to me during the Christmas school holidays. I was sick as a dog and I feel that I went through a couple of bugs during mid Dec to mid January. I was hurting really bad and then my wife caught it off me. My kids were a little under the weather before xmas break. I thought maybe they shed the germs to me and since I am older and weaker immune system it got me.

I have not read the rest of the thread, I hope you have recovered from it all.

Quote Originally Posted by bacpacker View Post
I haven't been very active in some time. I came down with something in Early Dec and still haven't gotten over it. It has kicked my butt. Started as a sinus infection and cough, developed wheezing pretty bad and now after 5 Dr visits, 2 rounds of anitbiotics, 2 rounds of Steroids, and now 3 weeks on a nebulizer I go to see a Pulmanary Dr tomorrow, hopefully they can sort it out and get me on the road to getting over this crap. Last few weeks I've been getting some strange looks when I go out. Folks at work have been asking if I have Coronavirus. Nope I tell them, just tryin to hock up a lung.

I have been trying to track this and expect things are probably 10 times what is being told. Economic conditions are gonna take a hit, even if this ends soon. And I don't expect that to happen.