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Thread: Gardens 2020

  1. #31
    Walking on Sunshine

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    thanks again bp. The green part (tops)of the onions are like string, very thin. Think I'll pull a couple and see how the root end is doing. For all I know they could be developing into regular onions, (surprise to us LOL). Finally, got DH to look for and NOT yank the purslane. He found a couple of plants near his flowers so he's going to let them grow for me.Have been looking to see if I have any plantain (the plant not the fruit) but no luck so far. The Echinea flowers are doing remarkably good this year but the roses this year aren't doing so hot. May not get any hips this year.But he's planted a couple of new roses this year so maybe next year.

  2. #32
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Pull a onion or two, Only way to see for sure what you have.
    I've never done purslane, need to try sometime. I have plantain all over our yard. I cut a big pot full back in the spring and we made a tinqure out of it. Just about time to strain it and put in dark bottles.
    We some herbal medicine books and trying to start doing that a little bit.
    I planted a couple echeneisa plants this year in one of my raised beds. They are blooming out real nice. Our roses have done ok this year, lots of plant growth, but not heavy blooms.

  3. #33
    Walking on Sunshine

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    Will do, The roses had some good blossoms but I think the deer got the hips. She was at the bird feeder again tonight, I kinda talked to her, told her to leave the seed for the birds.Don't know if that will work LOL. It was worth a try though.

  4. #34
    Walking on Sunshine

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    Mid Michigan
    Well garden is still hanging on. Got a few pearl onions and 4 little carrots today. Put them in the crock pot roast with the store bought carrots, they were yummy. Looks like we'll have more soon. We figured out why we lost the cantaloupes, DH had hooked up a soaker hose to one spigot in the underground system and put it under the weed cloth. Worked good while we were down south but we found out the connection got knocked off when this morning it was spewing the water towards the pine trees about 6 ft away and not going thru the soaker hose. We think the doe knocked the connection askew when she perused the bed and it completely disconnected this morning when the water went thru it and while the acorn squash plants got water the melons didn't get a lot of water for the last month.Got 6 acorns but SOMEONE??? chomped 2 of them. DH replanted the peas (again) and we have sprouts, yeah!! As for the tomatoes, we may get a few more of the small ones but there's nothing left on the two bigger plants. Now that we know what happened this year, DH is going to fix the connections for the hose and we'll try again next year. Only 2 peppers left ripening, makes a total of about 15 peppers this year from the two plants. Better harvest this year than last. Orphan corn is still growing, we may get some corn before the first frost(I hope)DH is not so sure. the apples still have spots on them. They got treated but not sure if we're going to get anything edible this year.
    Has anyone heard anything on Iowa's crops and the deracho? Niece and family live there, they said they didn't get hit too hard but nephew in law has family that farm and he believes ALL the crops were destroyed. But I haven't talked to her mother since last week . Haven't seen really anything on the news MSN or Alt news about it other than Iowa got hit hard.

  5. #35
    Do NOT mess with him while he's pumping gas.

    ak474u's Avatar
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    We have so many maters we've been giving them away. Our Thai yardlong beans are out of control, more jalapeƱos and other peppers than I can use, tons of basil, good stuff this year.
    Common sense is so rare these days, it should be re-classified as a super power.

  6. #36
    Walking on Sunshine

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    ak, wish I was closer, I'd gladly take some off your hands LOL. I'm gonna have to hit the farmers market and pick up some veggies.
    Also We brought the squash inside and put it on the counter, yesterday DH noticed one was leaking some thick sticky gunk from one of them at the stem end. the others are fine, any thoughts as to why that one did that? Not ripe enough or going bad? Thanks in advance for any insights
    Last edited by Katrina; 08-28-2020 at 03:34 PM. Reason: spelling

  7. #37
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    We've been harvesting green beans off and on for couple weeks now. Harvested our kidney and great northern beans. haven't gotten them shelled yet, but I'm expecting a gallon or two each. Dug our row of taters last night, got half a bushel of Yukon golds. Also picked a half bushel of bell peppers, jalapenos, and banana peppers, green beans, okra, cuke, & maters.

  8. #38
    Wants you to "look at what he's holding tonight".

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    We have a ton of cayenne peppers again this year. Wife is making hot sauce today.
    "When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes DUTY!" - Thomas Jefferson

  9. #39
    Walking on Sunshine

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    Well we made it thru the first frost this weekend. Carrots, onions and pepper plants did well, DH had covered them. Thought we had gotten all the peppers we were going to get but we have more peppers on the plants YEAH. been harvesting carrots, Son2 came over to help put up the plastics on the screen porch and I gave him a bunch of carrots and what I thought were the last two peppers for the grands. DH thinks the "orphan" corn in the box maybe sterile, so far all I have are stalks. Oh well, at least I'll have fall decor for the porch if there are no ears on them LOL. The apples are ALMOST ready but we are going to have to dehydrate a lot of them. Not sure I'm going to have enough lids for the jars or enough jars this year. Haven't been able to snag more in the stores AND I have been seeing cases of the jars being opened and the lids taken off of them. Crappy people!! Most places on line are out of lids and it will be a month or so before they may have any in stock according to the companies.
    Hope you all are having better luck than we have this year. Stay safe.

  10. #40
    Senior Member
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    We got our first frost and my tomato's are just dead as a doornail but now I know what a short growing season is up here. June 1st we got frost and Sept 19 we got frost. So a growing season of roughly 110 days. This will be super important next year.

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