Quote Originally Posted by bacpacker View Post
67% isn't bad for old seed. I love finding old Heirloom types that work here. I try a lot of different stuff, some works here, some don't. But when you find one that does, the taste is almost always so much better than any hybrid you can ever find.
A great place to find some of the old heirloom seeds is a company called SEED SAVERS. They are dedicated to preserving as many varieties of seed as possible. That is where I got my Sultan's Crescent beans. About 50 years ago my brand new wife and I visited her grandparents in New Mexico. Their garden had the most delicious tomatoes. Her grandfather called them German tomatoes. He gave us some seed that we continued for a few years but then when we moved I lost it. I tried a few times with things at local nurseries or from Burpee, Harris and other seed companies but never was the product the same. About 10 years ago an old friend mentioned SEED SAVERS and I got online, and found a variety called German Pink. If it is not the same variety, it certainly is a close relative! Worth checking out.