Sounds like a bountiful spring for you. Wish we could grow avocados and oranges here.

We are a ways behind you. Lettuce and spinach have bolted, but produced well till it did. Been eating some small onions, several different herbs, Mulberry trea was pretty good this year. Garpes are growing off well. Blueberries are just getting started, we may have harvested a pint over last 2 weeks. But next 2 weeks we'll be pickin that every other day for a little while. Most of the Apples tress has some apples, a couple is loaded. 1 pear has a good amount on it as well. Still a few weeks out for harvest.
The raised beds are doing great, got a few peppers so far, plenty more to come. Snow peas are just starting to make and are still blooming. Onions are growing like crazy and parsnips and green beans look good. In the ground the tomatos and other peppers, okra, and cukes are coming alomg. Will be harvesting maters and cukes in the next week or two.
My other spot I got a row of kidney beans blooming and great northern's growing well planted about 3 weeks later. Already harvest 3 cabbage and will pick 3 more tomorrow. Still have 6 heads of red cabbage just now forming up. And my taters are in full bloom and so far no tater bugs. Watermelons and butternut squash are coming up. Damn crows picked all my corn. All in all I'm happy with it