Thanks bp, appreciate the info. however it looks like we are losing two of the tomato plants, they have been sprouting yellow leaves. From the information we've received, they are suffering from root rot. The melons have tons of flowers but no melons so far. Got 3-4 acorn squash doing good. My green onions are looking strange, some of the bulb parts are peeking out of the soil with spindly green tops. they don't look like the ones I get from the farmers market. as we've never grown these, how do I know when to pick them? OH and I think we have some orphan corn growing in the box we didn't use this year. We have the bird feeder near it and it looks like some of the corn from the feeder has sprouted from it. We're going to leave it growing and see what the plants do. My question is IF it does grow into stalks of corn , will the corn be edible?? Anybody have an idea if bird seed is treated with noxious chemicals or not?