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Thread: Holy Crap Man!!!

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  1. #1
    Do you have change for a canned bacon?

    AlphaTea's Avatar
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    New Yorkistan

    Holy Crap Man!!!

    I haven't been here in a few months and I gotta say it looks like it is exactly where everything was when I last signed on.
    Is everyone busy with something else?
    COVID-19 got you down?
    What about that sh!t show debate?
    I hope everyone is doing well and have not been assimilated by pod people or GOD forbid democraps.
    So whats up?
    They say that the cockroaches will be the last creature alive on this earth.
    I intend on being the last person alive still stomping cockroaches.

  2. #2
    Claims to have NEVER worn pink. Likely story.

    Twitchy's Avatar
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    Busy with work and life for me. I'd assume others are as well. It is quite odd though given the circumstances of our world right now that its so quiet here.
    It is, of course, obvious that speed, or height of fall, is not in itself injurious ... but a high rate of change of velocity, such as occurs after a 10 story fall onto concrete, is another matter.

  3. #3
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Work is crazy, life is too. Tryin to keep up.
    Good to see you both back around

  4. #4
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Same here, sold the other damn house! No more double mortgages/bills! Just tying up loose ends for the up coming storm. November's going to be a big one, could last awhile. This is no doubt going to be the worst thing/election this country's ever seen. And yes, that was a shit show!
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  5. #5
    CC Gray Panther
    eagle326's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brownwater Riverrat 13 View Post
    Same here, sold the other damn house! No more double mortgages/bills! Just tying up loose ends for the up coming storm. November's going to be a big one, could last awhile. This is no doubt going to be the worst thing/election this country's ever seen. And yes, that was a shit show!

    Congrats on selling property . Been a long time but you're finally free of it .
    Been nursing wife back from illness . Hospital last September and again in January . We now believe she might of had Covid not sure . Almost lost her but she fought back and coming along well . All projects went secondary as I and daughter took over all household duties ; shopping and only let her do minor things to build up strength .

    Son surprised me on my birthday Friday with a complete upper from P.S.A. Now to get a butt stock and she's complete .Daughter will have one to use as I'll use the River Rat model .

    Been preparing for November shit show also. God I'm still hoping to go out peacefully . But if not ; It won't be my 1st. rodeo . Still have to get Mosin 9130 dialed in and Mosin carbine also . Set up for long distance calls .

    So glad you're getting property set up and prepped as best you can . Being O.C.D. you and Ladyhawk will be just fine in my eyes. Our thoughts are for all brothers and sisters to come through healthy .

    Have to get out to raised beds and prep soil for next year . Soil needs some roids to kickstart next year's garden .Hopefully everyone will have a little more time to check in after this cluster f#*k year.

    Run Low Drive On

  6. #6
    Walking on Sunshine

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    YEAH HOORAY AWESOME So glad you got rid of the other property. That has got to be a load off your minds. How's ladyhk doing? and how are the chickies doing? We're doing okay, DH went to get the 2nd of third shots for his knee, so far so good. They only took about 17 cc's of fluid off of it this time. Doc thinks the 3rd one will be the charm. We're looking at possibly going to Son1's in January depending on whether or not they can come this Christmas.
    Hey Alpha Tea good to hear from ya and Twitchy too. We've been pretty busy here getting ready for fall and winter. We're going to be spending a few? days getting the apples done as they are ready to go.Just hope I have enough canning supplies. Jars I got, the lids are another thing. Picked up a package every time I went to the store couple months ago till they were gone and some crap people are now stealing the lids off the cases of jars so no more jars now. Talked to Son2 and he's going to check to see when his store gets them and let me know right away. Told him I'll buy the cases of jars rather than wait till the lids come in.

  7. #7
    Where's the epi?

    ladyhk13's Avatar
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    Hi Kat! Lids are scarce everywhere. I stocked up years ago but no time for canning this year other than drying some herbs. Been so crazy here! We unloaded and checked 588 12ft tongue and groove boards today, I won't be able to move tomorrow, such is life but still need to put one more piece of tile in the shower that 5 crews messed up and get it grouted. No time to feel sorry to myself since those boards need to get stained. Chickens are getting huge! Still babies but already the size of full grown birds. Have my favorite spoiled ones that won't go into the freezer lol. Hope y'all are well. I stay so busy with projects and DAR that I don't know what day it is most of the time. Just wanted to say hi . Gonna be a cold, wet winter. Yuk!

  8. #8
    Walking on Sunshine

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    Sorry I didn't get on sooner had to get new laptop. Old one kept freezing up innerds are not updatable anymore and can't handle the graphics anymore. ladyhk, Know what ya mean It's crazy around here too. Been raining to boot the band again, basement starting to leak a bit AGAIN. Too much water and the ground is saturated.Good thing we have a new sump, it's been working like a horse. Where the boards going? thought you guys were done with staining. DH has the boxes done now he's working on all the flower pots and regular beds.In between raindrops that is.. No Thanksgiving get together this year. DH talked to his sister the other day, she said she's stopped thinking about it or she breaks down and cries.Kinda puts a kink in the annual name draw too.So we're trying to figure out how we're doing it this year. DH is thinking about having Grandson 2 do an algorithm to assign names or have Grand Daughter 1 figure out a system when we get on Zoom and have the little one help her. Oh by the way, LOOK OUT she just got her learners permit LOL. Don't know if the psycho will let her practice when she goes to visit the mom down by you but I thought I'd warn you guys. Let Dome and the others know too HA HA HA Lord I'm getting old ;(. You guys stay safe.

  9. #9
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Glad mama is gettin better Pops.

  10. #10
    CC Gray Panther
    eagle326's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bacpacker View Post
    Glad mama is gettin better Pops.
    Doing what we can son .
    She's getting a little too spunky .



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