BRR 13
YEAH HOORAY AWESOME So glad you got rid of the other property. That has got to be a load off your minds. How's ladyhk doing? and how are the chickies doing? We're doing okay, DH went to get the 2nd of third shots for his knee, so far so good. They only took about 17 cc's of fluid off of it this time. Doc thinks the 3rd one will be the charm. We're looking at possibly going to Son1's in January depending on whether or not they can come this Christmas.
Hey Alpha Tea good to hear from ya and Twitchy too. We've been pretty busy here getting ready for fall and winter. We're going to be spending a few? days getting the apples done as they are ready to go.Just hope I have enough canning supplies. Jars I got, the lids are another thing. Picked up a package every time I went to the store couple months ago till they were gone and some crap people are now stealing the lids off the cases of jars so no more jars now. Talked to Son2 and he's going to check to see when his store gets them and let me know right away. Told him I'll buy the cases of jars rather than wait till the lids come in.