I didn't know there was a "River Rat model" Hmmm? Might have to get one of those. How's moma? Glad to hear she's pullin through. Between rain showers managed to pour two pads for the antenna towers. Today I managed to get 30' of one up next to the cabin and was gettin ready to start the one next to the "AMB" and it started rainin again. HAve some painters workin on the outside of the house and they are bringing a "High reach/JLG to get to the high work on the house. Well when they quit for the day I'm going to nab that puppy and top off the towers and fire up the Ham shack........ OH, really it's for the wife's/house cell phone booster, I could care less about most of that part of the comms sometimes. Damn it man we need real comms!