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Thread: President Elect?

  1. #1
    Senior Member

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    near Pasadena, Ca.

    President Elect?

    We are now one week following the "official" election for President. On Saturday the vast majority of the media called the election for Biden. Since that time whenever the (liberal) media mention Biden he is referred to as "President-elect Biden." The problem is that in a couple of states the votes are still being tabulated and even though the media called it for Biden they could go to Trump. Additionally, there are numerous court challenges in some states that could end up giving us a second term for Trump.

    Should we end up seeing Donald Trump as the actual eventual winner of the election, what do you think will be the reaction of the radical left? I found it interesting today to see that AOC has already made statements that if Biden makes certain cabinet appointments those would be considered to be divisive.

    What level of response do you see in your area, your state and nationally if Trump is the eventual winner?

    How is your stockpile?

  2. #2
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    East Tennessee
    Media is pushing pure propaganda. Left is buying right into it. Now when the projections gets thrown out and the real numbers come in, the left is gonna lose their shit.
    Locally most folks around here were Trump supporters so it's been pretty quite. But lots of folks are pissed that the push has been for Biden and all the obvious fraud that has went on. Left won't start much around here, if they do it'll get put down pretty quick. Nationally, it'll be ugly IMO. But bottom line I don't want to see Martial Law. I think that will open a ball of wax no one wants to see. That could even lead to UN troops or worse. Areas need to clean up their area, keep it local.

  3. #3
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    OK, we sure are quiet on the site period. Bullshit flag is flyin high over here with all that is going on. Either way it goes no side is going to be happy. We know the election was a complete farce, I'm sure my aunt an uncle voted in PA, they just died this past year. The SCOTUS just told the country "you're on your own". Mitch McConnell's a pussy. We now know who is not an American. Every election from here on out will be totally useless if the country doesn't correct itself now. Question is, will it?

    Biden says mandatory masks for 100 days. Not on my face. Somehow the Constitution does not seem to apply anymore. Well I ain't dead yet and I swore an Oath. Now I just don't have the Incompetent "Officers appointed over me" Ha! I kill me!

    Hey, we all still have a few weeks left before the ground begins to shake. There's nothing left on the toy shelves anymore so if you haven't bought your BB's and band aids your pretty much SOL.

    Y'all get ready to be "We the Sheeple" or "We the People"

    Peace Love an No Underwear!

    Yeah, I'm just stewin over the whole thing.
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  4. #4
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    East Tennessee
    Pretty much same on this end. This ain't gonna end well no matter what happens

  5. #5
    CC Gray Panther
    eagle326's Avatar
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    Correct me if my old ass is wrong . Media is pushing the martial law scenario which to me is a false flag . Under martial law the military takes full control of everything . By pushing this they wind up the sheep to believe Trump is setting himself up as a dictator .

    When in reality if I'm not mistaken the Insurrection Act is the one he'll use if he needs to . Under this act if I read correctly the armed forces are there only to help regional authorities . Therefore the civilian populace is still in control .

    Yet by pushing the other upon the blind sheep who believe all that MSM spews without checking facts they'll believe that both are one and the same . Hopefully he won't have to but if he does then we should be ready for that which comes forth to the best of our abilities .

    If they decide to fight and cause chaos then they should be ready to reap what they sow . I hope and pray to go out as peacefully in this life but if not I'll be damn if I go out on bended knee . Not in my paratrooper blood .

    Run Low Drive On

    Going commando is the uniform of the day . So BWRR has spoken ; so let it be instituted .

  6. #6
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    East Tennessee
    Commando all the way.

    MSM has lost their minds, long ago. And the libtards just blindly follow. No idea they are gonna run into a wall at some point.

  7. #7
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    OK look, It wasn't me. I woke up to this shit by a text. (Nashville) All I can tell from a Pirate's opinion....I hate to say it but I can't blame the Islam butthumpers this time. They wouldn't have given warning. They would have just blown the damn thing up and made sure there were a lot of people around. This was home grown. Antifa, BLM, hell who knows but i really have my doubts on an outside element in this case. I'm saying this now before the media puts their spin on it. Heard on the radio this morning from the actual woman that woke an heard the gun shots, called it in, spotted the RV, heard the count down, etc. way before news had their story together. She lives and owns suites to rent, did.
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  8. #8
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    I agree it wasn't likely the ragheads. From what little has come out they were targeting comms in general, or AT&T specifically. No telling what the shooting was about, in that area could have been gangbangers, drug deals going bad, or tied to the RV.

  9. #9
    looking at their tools while posting pictures of mine.
    Domeguy's Avatar
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    about 20 minutes outside Lynchburg, TN...but which way...
    If I may approach the bench your honor...
    I’m not sure about the gunfire...the police could not find any evidence of a shooting.
    I thing the coms in the area just happened to be accidental.
    I am of the opinion it will turn out to be a disgruntled ex-boyfriend or ex-husband who got a bad lawyer, and lost everything.wife, family, his home, his job, his friends, etc.
    And this was his way of getting back at the woman. I expect it was his own RV he was now living in, and the “presence of human remains” will turn out to be him blowing it up himself, possibly ex military with demo knowledge, with him in it. Think about it...Christmas of the most important family holidays. The slowest time of the year and day for traffic, human or vehicle, for that area. A warning to everyone to get away so as not to get hurt...he was making a statement to his ex. “I’ll kill myself, then she will be sorry she took my kids away from me.”
    How many ex husbands are members here who haven’t “thought” about lashing out in one way or another after a bad divorce. I have.

    The defense rests your honor!
    You witness councilor.
    "Teach the children quietly
    For someday sons and daughters
    Will rise up and fight while we stood still"

    I stayed up all night to see where the sun went. Then it dawned on me.

  10. #10
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Mar 2011
    East Tennessee
    Interesting Domey. Hadn't even considered that perspective.



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