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Thread: A few days from MAJOR SHTF?

  1. #41
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Hell ur just a young pup

  2. #42
    CC Gray Panther
    eagle326's Avatar
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    Post #37 should read .
    50 years ago I left to go to Vietnam .

    Can't find a way to edit post .

  3. #43
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
    Gunfixr's Avatar
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    Virginia, USA
    "is homesteading the same thing as being self-sufficient?"

    Pretty much. Homesteaders may be less into the other aspects of prepping, or just another name for prepping.
    Generally you try to live off your land as much as possible.
    So, gardening, animals, often chickens, maybe others. Maybe beekeeping. Often will try to have some or all of their own power generation.
    Homesteaders prob don't store up as much stuff, outside food and general supplies, and prob less of those than preppers would.
    We're more preppers, of course, but when you tell someone you're homesteading, they don't look at you the way they do when you tell them you're prepping, lol.
    Liberty is not a cruise ship full of pampered passengers.
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  4. #44
    Claims to have NEVER worn pink. Likely story.

    Twitchy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunfixr View Post
    "is homesteading the same thing as being self-sufficient?"

    Pretty much. Homesteaders may be less into the other aspects of prepping, or just another name for prepping.
    Generally you try to live off your land as much as possible.
    So, gardening, animals, often chickens, maybe others. Maybe beekeeping. Often will try to have some or all of their own power generation.
    Homesteaders prob don't store up as much stuff, outside food and general supplies, and prob less of those than preppers would.
    We're more preppers, of course, but when you tell someone you're homesteading, they don't look at you the way they do when you tell them you're prepping, lol.
    There's always been a stigma with preparedness though. Odd, considering how history has gone. I believe most people don't want to accept that we generally lead very easy going lives and don't experience hardship like other nations do. It stinks more people don't look at it as just being self reliant. A good ,majority of our fellow country men and women wouldn't be able to weather the loss of a job or another significant economic recession/depression. Most of the people here can weather those events for up to a year or more.
    It is, of course, obvious that speed, or height of fall, is not in itself injurious ... but a high rate of change of velocity, such as occurs after a 10 story fall onto concrete, is another matter.

  5. #45
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
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    Yeah, it's wierd how that is. We've prepped as best we can for a long time now. A little over 2yrs ago, we got moved to the country. Everybody out here are preppers to a degree.
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  6. #46
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    I think most of the nation was surprised by the weather that hit Texas last week. We have family, friends, and I have former students who live in Texas, oddly most around San Antonio. A former work colleague and friend moved to Oklahoma after they both retired. Not too odd, as they were originally from Oklahoma. No matter where we live in this country we will get hit with some sort of weather that is not normal and will disrupt our lives for a a few days. Most of us will not experience weather like that part of the country has gone through recently.

    We see news reports of impassable streets due to snow because they do not have snow plows and most people have no chains or traction for their cars. Ok, that is sort of normal. We have seen the news of store shelves bare, of utilities that fail to work. We have heard of people not having any drinking water, out of food or unable to open cans of food!

    This shows you just how many folks are not prepared for even a minor SHTF event. NO CAN OPENER? Talk about reliance on modern convenience! To some degree we all do, but that is crazy. I had to reminded one friend that they can light a gas stove with a match or some sort of hand held fire starter.

    All that has taken place in that area of the country shows every single one of us the importance of being prepared! At one point our government was telling us we needed a 3 day supply of food and water to be prepared for natural disaster. I believe FEMA has recently changed the recommended time frame to two weeks. I am not sure what the time frame is now, when I saw it, my reaction was that it isn't enough.

    I am not telling any of you that are on here anything you did not know, just venting a bit.

    Look on the bright side of things, 2021 has at least one less day than 2020!

  7. #47
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
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    Based on how 2021 is going so far, one day less isn't going to be anywhere near enough to make any difference
    Liberty is not a cruise ship full of pampered passengers.
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  8. #48
    looking at their tools while posting pictures of mine.
    Domeguy's Avatar
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    about 20 minutes outside Lynchburg, TN...but which way...
    I was watching a tv show some time last year where on one segment of it, the host was making a sandwich from the things he grew up on just after the war in the UK. His assistant, a 20+ something woman was telling him how disgusting it looked, and when tasting it, she almost got sick. But the point is, he asked her what she would put on it differently, she stated she wouldn’t know because “SHE HAD NEVER MADE NOR EATEN A SANDWICH BEFORE IN HER LIFE”. She only knew take out and fast food. These will be the first people to die even in a minor SHTF situation.
    "Teach the children quietly
    For someday sons and daughters
    Will rise up and fight while we stood still"

    I stayed up all night to see where the sun went. Then it dawned on me.

  9. #49
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    my fav "They'll be the 1st to die" >>> NYC Manhattan post Storm Sandy - they caught a young yuppie type coming out of a corner bodega store - prouder than a peacock carrying a couple cans of soup and a cook pot - "Now I need to learn how to use my stove and see if it works - I've never cooked anything in my apartment" ....

    that's plain scary

  10. #50
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
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    Yeah, cities will be fairly littered with the remains of these idiots.........

    Or, warlord factions will use them as bullet sponges in exchange for meals.......
    Liberty is not a cruise ship full of pampered passengers.
    Liberty is a Man-Of-War, and we are all crew.



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