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Thread: Hr 127 --- must read for anyone that owns guns

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  1. #1
    looking at their tools while posting pictures of mine.
    Domeguy's Avatar
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    Nov 2012
    about 20 minutes outside Lynchburg, TN...but which way...
    I got FULL custody of my son, and ex got sent to the loony bin for a month, so I’m guessing even though she would try some shit, it’s her that would be I get the last laugh again. And two others, one I haven’t seen in 40 yrs, and one who would say I’m ok. But still, it’s a bad piece of legislation to be pushed through.
    "Teach the children quietly
    For someday sons and daughters
    Will rise up and fight while we stood still"

    I stayed up all night to see where the sun went. Then it dawned on me.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    chesapeake bay, virginia
    About HR case no one has ever told you...

    The number one thing you need to know and for which no one is want to educate you such that you can never think outside the box wherein someone wants to keep you dumb and ignorant....forever..

    And that is that you do not license and insure your rights under the Constitution of the United States...and this has been ruled on a plenty since the founding of this country.

    Rights are from God......automatically.....not granted by Government.

    Whenever you are made to license something and or get insurance for a God given Right under the Constitution of the United States.......your right has been abolished and you are now under privileges granted by the Sovereign.

    This is the problem in Canada and Australia...New Zealand, England.....under Crown law...or English Law.....wherein they are not citizens with Rights but instead Subjects with priveliges granted by the Sovereign and these privileges can be given or taken away at the will of the Sovereign.

    This government of Subjects is the very system of Government our founders were trying to prevent in giving us the Bill of Rights.

    If you notice the first ten amendments on the Bill of Rights...they are all limits on government....

    The government shall not..

    Shall not be infringed...

    Congress shall make no law....Amendment 1

    No soldier shall...Amendment 3

    Shall not be violated..and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause..Amendment 4

    No person shall...Amendment 5

    Amendment 6...again a limit on government....not the people..

    In suits at common law...the right to trial by jury...shall be preserved....a limit on government...not the people Amendment7

    Excessive Bail shall not be required...Amendment 8

    Shall not be construed....Amendment 9

    The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited to it by the states , are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people Amendment X.

    This again in Amendment X is a limit on the Federal government.

    Shelia Jackson an oath breaker..disloyal to her oath of office by promoting a bill which would make people fall under privileges granted by the Sovereign....English Law...not American...instead of Rights under the Constitution ...

    She is a phony ..and so too are other politicians who would not speak up and expose this kind of betrayal of their oath of office.

    These kinds of both political offices are phonies and have betrayed their oath of office....but they are counting on most of us not having enough information to think past ESPN and or the Kardashians...or whatever distractions they will feed us next...

    Mayhap now some of you can understand why they do not spend much time today in schools teaching the Constitution of the United States....none of us are supposed to be able to think this far on our own...without approval.

    But dont worrry.....the Super Bowl is coming up soon.....that is the important thing in America....

    Be Warned of these Ishmaelites like Shelia Jackson Lee.....and others who need us to be dumbed down.

    You do not license or insure your Rights under the Constitution ....these rights are from God....not from men...

    Shelia Jackson Lee either does not know this ....or does not care.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,

    - - - Updated - - -

    Hunting license, Fishing license..marriage license....drivers license...these are all under privileges granted by government...and often require insurance...

    You are not supposed to know the difference.

    Notice something else about freedom and liberty and the oath of office...

    More and more economic and social decisions are being attempted to be mandated by Government....notice this???

    Government should never mandate what kinds of cars we drive....the free market should make these decisions...not governmet.

    What kinds of stoves we decide to use...gas or electric....the free marketplace should decide....never government nor the media should decide for us.

    Are you catching on to how this system is rigged against us....and why???

    If someone would so craftily rig the Free Market...against us by government mandates....

    Would they rig and election too?? Are we ever supposed to think this far on our own ...without permission???

    Think about it....privileges versus rights under the Constitution.

    Not an Ishmaelite.



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