Pre-season is fast approaching, who's planning what?

I'm hoping to at least double the amount I had last year, again all in raised gardens

Going to build a couple more of the composting planters, as they do REALLY well

Going to try planting pumpkins, squash and melons in a small bushy area of my property (30' diameter), but killing off the brush and topping most of the trees, for light, but leaving them tall enough for the vines to climb. Just big enough for a couple dozen plants in 5 gallon pails, yet small enough to fence off from the critters.

Lots more tomatoes!!! All varieties! I canned a lot of salsa last year, but not as many tomatoes as I wanted. I'll have to check the name, but I grew some yellow/golden tomatoes that were fantastic tasting.

been struggling with cucumbers for a few years now gotta figure this out, I get some, but not like the first few years. Gonna completely empty a couple of existing planters and start fresh.

I also struggle with onions not sure why.

lettuces and herbs... yep

I had the most bell peppers ever last year, but still only a couple/few on each plant. not sure how to get them growing better. prob not pruning enough suckers

Disappointed in the hot peppers, didn't transplant well. not sure what went wrong.

Tomatillos. can't find seeds for them, so I saved some from last year, and have a local place to buy plants. Mmmm made a pile of salsa verde again last year, want more this year.

Carrots did the best ever, not enough to put up, but will double/triple planting.

Peas, we just eat them damn things as fast as they grow! lol plant more

Going to try something different for corn, as they don't do well containering. working out some ideas, will post more later.

Keeping in mind, last year was the longest, hottest, driest summer that we have had since I tried growing mushrooms! lol

I'll add more later, as I go through my seeds

Going to find that companion planting thread, make sure I'm not shooting myself in the foot with some of these problems.