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Thread: Is Generation X really this stupid...or Entitled??????

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    chesapeake bay, virginia

    Is Generation X really this stupid...or Entitled??????

    Is Generation X really really this stupid and Entitled?????
    Today, 12:18 PM

    Is Generation X really ....really this stupid and or Entitled????

    I was quite astonished in reading this ......

    1.Soaring Education Costs....Boomers should have not become educated so at to save more for generation X and thus breast feed Generation X while Boomers sufferer more involuntary servitude for Generation should be pre done for Generation

    2 Climate Change.....again...Boomers should have done with less....for Generation X.....Gratis... Climate Change...more involuntary servitude...limits on our freedoms and liberties.

    3. Real Estate Shortages....Wow...this one is self explanatory in lieu of this Generations leadership admitting all kinds of illegal Aliens on the public purse and finding some kind of place for them to stay on the public purse..and over the long run....this is going to do what for real estate???? Thinking yet???? This does not even make good a blame game.
    Boomers raised Generation X what real estate????

    Can Generation X be that stupid??? How about leadership????

    4. Threats to Social Security........What ...???? Again Stupidity......people pay into social security.....Boomers did not make the decision to put so many people on Social Security who paid nothing into it...Boomers had no say in this.....leadership did this for votes. Again...textbook blame game..

    5. Political Polarization....who or what is famous for political orientation al...etc etc etc....???? The left is...that is their stock in trade...labeling and name calling their opposition to manufacture bad prevent thinking...only emotional responses allowed...never individual thinking.

    Being conservative is not against the law. So why try to turn it into something morally bankrupt??? Unless one feels themselves "entitled" to the entire field of ideas...and practice!!!??
    Without work and without risk.

    6.Infrastructure blues...Blues....Wow......that is should be ready problem solving or managing...ready to labor involved....Entitled. You never have to figure it out from the ground should be ready made like a shopping just show up...entitled. Wow!!!!

    7 Bye Bye Fairness very very careful of this one ...for ultimately it involves involuntary servitude...

    A huge part of the problem with this one was that when you put out a point of view and paid for were required to put out the opposite views and pay for that one too.
    Not very fair was it??? It was in fact a form of Involuntary Servitude..payhing for your oppositions view in addition to yours.
    You gotta be educated to put people into involuntary servitude in this manner and think it is normal...even entitled.

    8.Saying your turned out fine when you didn't turn out fine... Wow...

    This one is double play the cards you are dealt....and work even take risks to survive;....survival is not always fine.....not sure what this double speak is getting at but to me it is double speak...even entitled...again. Kind of Oxymoronic to me.

    9.Stagnant wage growth..... again the blame game.....much of this is caused by inflation and even boomers do not recognize what is happening...we are being taxed twice...once when we earn our monies and again through Inflation...increased prices for everything...including education fuel et al ...etc etc etc...all the while the purchasing power of our monies is declining....depreciating...

    Inflation is a tax...a disguised we do for which we get no goods or services.....due to rising prices for everything as the value of our monies declines. We are in essence being taxed twice....this is why Americans are angry.......but they do not realize they are being taxed twice... If they knew there would be a rebellion.....

    No one in leadership is want to explain this to us...while Generation X ers..are want to blame Boomers....textbook blame game.

    The only group who can increase the money supply this rapidly to cause massive inflation is under the Bidens and years ago under Jimmy Carter....and interest rates had to go to double digits to stop the inflation back then.

    Again...stupidity and entitlement.....for many Generation X ers are now in government are they not????

    10.10. The United States still won’t do business with Cuba....I know....I sure would like to get into Cuba and buy me a few of those olde classic American Cars running around down there.
    We should be trying to bring Cuba Wal Marts......yes/???

    Entitlement ....even in leadership ......

    Must be something bad wrong with me....these youngsters today ..spend more time on their phones than getting work done???? Am I missing something here??? Who did what generation wrong????? More breast feeding please...Entitlement happening here....

    Be Warned these Ishmaelites.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Feb 2018
    chesapeake bay, virginia
    Be Warned these Entitled

    My non Ishmaelite .02,

  3. #3
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    East Tennessee
    You are dead on Point OT. Total BS from the top down IMO



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