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Thread: Be Careful of your cell phone........very careful this year...

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    chesapeake bay, virginia

    Be Careful of your cell phone........very careful this year...

    I was informed of this by another prepper just this morning.......but you members watch the video in the link..,

    About our cell phones this year being used to control herd us like cattle...

    Particularly by and for preppers...

    here this link...

    I was stunned about the fines projected.....

    If this is true...our phones will become our new IFF system..".Identification Friend or Foe" is used by the Military...

    If this is true...there is coming a herding and I don't know how well received it will be when people learn of it.

    This is dictatorship...censorship....,.,.,against Amendment 1 and or Amendment 13..involuntary servitude...

    But you members decide for yourselves...and for your reasons......

    Also remember....many of you have children and relatives on your cell phone be warned...

    Ishmaelites run wild.....over us...if true...

    Not an Ishmaelite

    - - - Updated - - -

    I keep saying to be warned these Ishmaelites.....

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited by orangetom1999; 01-01-2024 at 09:58 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    chesapeake bay, virginia
    I have been wondering about this in light of my very strong suspicion that this country is being moved quietly but more rapidly into a wartime footing..

    My non Ishmaelite .02,

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    chesapeake bay, virginia
    Wow...since making this post there has been an incident nationwide wherein cell phone service has been cut off to many many users...involving several companies.

    I strongly suggest that the members avail themselves of a portable shortwave radio...preferably one with solar charging....and or a hand crank on it....and of course rechargeable batteries if possible.

    This meaning that one can get AM/FM reception as well as short wave case cell phones and or land lines go down and so too the normal media...local .television and or radio.

    This portable radio will give you options....even if you are bugging out.

    For my preference as a ham radio operator a shortwave radio that receives not only AM/FM and short wave bands but also receives Single Side Band transmissions....even the Aircraft bands if possible.

    And these types of radios have gotten smaller over the years as well as less expensive. I have three of them here at the house and one at work....spare batteries too....along with my Baofeng walkie talkies and spare batteries for these as well.

    The point here is to give yourself options well ahead of any event ...and I say this because I believe there is coming great chaos across this land before the election coming in November....great great a design.

    I just believe that chaos is the very very best that many in leadership positions can do ....for all their education and or boasting.

    But you members decide for yourselves...for your reasons...for your families.

    Not an Ishmaelite.



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