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Thread: A thought: Mindset

  1. #1
    Give him a home, where the buffalo roam, and they make "wood" for his cookin fires all day
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    A thought: Mindset

    Ok here is said thread i mentioned in another discussion. Figured i would put it here since it had no place anywhere else.

    So here we all are doing our "Prep'n" thing. SOme more serious than others, and thats ok. IF and WHEN the time comes to utilize our arrangements how grim are you gonna be on a day to day basis. Will the rustle of leaves cause you to instantly lock and load, then unload on said sound? WIll there be raiders around every corner in your eyes. Or will you try and find the possible best in every scenario and every person you happen upon?

    I think sometimes as prep'rs we can get a bit.... pesimistic (hope that is the right word to use here) or perhaps a bit Hard in our views of our fellow mans inability to see the need to prep. This can easily flow over into a shtf situation where we can sit back behind our preps, guns, defenses, and possible team and just view the outside world with a bit of disgust, animosity and possible annoyance and even hatred toward those out there. Or wil still be able to enjoy the simple comfort of a sweet smelling flower, the songs made by a childs laughter, the sense of belonging as we sit around and chat with others who are trying to make it also. Or how about that sense of accomplishment for helping others to make it a bit easier on them and in return the community/area you are in.

    I sincerely hope to maintain my sense of humor in a SHTF situation. Some are experiencing it on this board now (Izzy, Dragon, Backpakcer and others....). They say laughter is the best medicine, and i agree.

    Let us not forget from where we come lest we be doomed to repeat it.

    So i say look for the best, pray for peace, prepeare for war. But above all dont forget who you are.

  2. #2
    Wants you to "look at what he's holding tonight".

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    Heck I have my gun on me and ready anytime someone shows up on my place now. Usually meet them with my 2 dogs and a AR. I live out away from others, and no one should be here. If they are, they are trespassing at best, which is a crime.

  3. #3
    Give him a home, where the buffalo roam, and they make "wood" for his cookin fires all day
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    Been around a few places like that in my life. Lived in a few. Hope to live in just such a place once i move to Alaska. However i dont think i will be meeting folks with an AR unless i KNOW there has been a SHTF situation or there was a prison breakout someplace. Having a handgun on me would suit me just fine i think. Meeting folks with a rifle can just cause a situation to become antagonistic, put people who would otherwise be fine on a defensive/negative posture. Up here in north Dakota you can go on a long drive between homes/farms/towns. You break down and approach a farmers door it would really suck to meet a 12g instead of a friendly smile when all ya wanted was a little help.

    I mean sure lets be safe. Just lets not make ourselves so paranoid that we become the areas "Nutcase with a gun".

  4. #4
    Wants you to "look at what he's holding tonight".

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    East Texas
    Quote Originally Posted by Dropy View Post
    Been around a few places like that in my life. Lived in a few. Hope to live in just such a place once i move to Alaska. However i dont think i will be meeting folks with an AR unless i KNOW there has been a SHTF situation or there was a prison breakout someplace. Having a handgun on me would suit me just fine i think. Meeting folks with a rifle can just cause a situation to become antagonistic, put people who would otherwise be fine on a defensive/negative posture. Up here in north Dakota you can go on a long drive between homes/farms/towns. You break down and approach a farmers door it would really suck to meet a 12g instead of a friendly smile when all ya wanted was a little help.

    I mean sure lets be safe. Just lets not make ourselves so paranoid that we become the areas "Nutcase with a gun".
    Those situations are different. There is no road within 3 miles of my house that go anywhere. There is a locked gate a half mile from my house. So someone would have to jump my gate with no trespassing signs which is illegal, then walk up a hill for a half mile to get to my house. The whole way passing beware of dog and keep out signs. Anyone doing this is not there to say high. So yes I meet them with my rifle and I always have a pistol on my side. If I lived by a road it would be different.

  5. #5
    Give him a home, where the buffalo roam, and they make "wood" for his cookin fires all day
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    I can see where THAT situation would warrant a bit more caution on the side of the land owner.

  6. #6
    stark assed naked and butt to nut with no issues
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    Well, I keep a full loadout prepped to go in mags for all of my defensive systems. But other than that, I dont see myself lock-n-loading for any normal sounds in my environment. This does not apply to my CCW/around the house gun. IF the SHTF, then I pretty much plan on having all systems loaded ready to work if the need arises, but for the most part, all of them are ready to go with just loading up a mag and chambering a round the only steps needed to be taken.

  7. #7
    Claptrap's Problem Solver

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    One thing to remember Dropy is that not every SHTF event is a MadMax style, don the chest-rig, shoot everything that moves scenario.

    I would like to think that during weather or environmentally driven SHTF events the members of this board would be the ones to rise up, lead by example, show people how to cope with a crappy situation and generally be the kind of men/women that others draw inspiration from. Frankly, we've already seen examples of that sort of behavior from our members.

    I would be very disappointed to learn one of our members sat back and flipped the proverbial bird to their fellow man during an ice storm/tornado/earthquake/etc. I'm not suggesting members give away all their stocks to every societal leach that walks by (please don't think I'd ever suggest that), but I am suggesting that not having enough compassion to give a child a bottle of water from your stock because their parents were too ignorant to toss a case in the pantry is not honorable.

    And beyond actual supplies, I'd be very disappointed, no actually flat out pissed, if I heard one of our members refused to share knowledge with his fellow man in a time of need. "Sorry neighbor, I'm not going to explain how to cut that tree off your car because you didn't have a years supply of ramen noodles". That is fail. Again, I'm not suggesting you have to ignore your own needs and help everybody, but there is something wrong with not helping anybody.

    Keep in mind this all applies to temporary, short term SHTF events.

    If the world truly does go all MadMax we're all going to have to reach into our inner psyche and draw out some really ugly stuff to survive. How you stop to find humor and sunshine in that is beyond me.

    Maybe our combat vets can comment on that: How do you, in the fighting for survival, find happy moments and not forget to be human?
    If you think that come SHTF you are gonna jock up in all your kit and be a death-dealing one man army, you're an idiot - izzyscout

  8. #8
    Give him a home, where the buffalo roam, and they make "wood" for his cookin fires all day
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Stig View Post
    One thing to remember Dropy is that not every SHTF event is a MadMax style, don the chest-rig, shoot everything that moves scenario.

    I would like to think that during weather or environmentally driven SHTF events the members of this board would be the ones to rise up, lead by example, show people how to cope with a crappy situation and generally be the kind of men/women that others draw inspiration from. Frankly, we've already seen examples of that sort of behavior from our members.

    I would be very disappointed to learn one of our members sat back and flipped the proverbial bird to their fellow man during an ice storm/tornado/earthquake/etc. I'm not suggesting members give away all their stocks to every societal leach that walks by (please don't think I'd ever suggest that), but I am suggesting that not having enough compassion to give a child a bottle of water from your stock because their parents were too ignorant to toss a case in the pantry is not honorable.

    And beyond actual supplies, I'd be very disappointed, no actually flat out pissed, if I heard one of our members refused to share knowledge with his fellow man in a time of need. "Sorry neighbor, I'm not going to explain how to cut that tree off your car because you didn't have a years supply of ramen noodles". That is fail. Again, I'm not suggesting you have to ignore your own needs and help everybody, but there is something wrong with not helping anybody.

    Keep in mind this all applies to temporary, short term SHTF events.

    If the world truly does go all MadMax we're all going to have to reach into our inner psyche and draw out some really ugly stuff to survive. How you stop to find humor and sunshine in that is beyond me.

    Maybe our combat vets can comment on that: How do you, in the fighting for survival, find happy moments and not forget to be human?
    Yep i hear you on 100% of what ur saying here and i 100% agree.

  9. #9
    Claptrap's Problem Solver

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dropy View Post
    Yep i hear you on 100% of what ur saying here and i 100% agree.
    And I failed to say, great thread and very through provoking. Thanks.
    If you think that come SHTF you are gonna jock up in all your kit and be a death-dealing one man army, you're an idiot - izzyscout

  10. #10
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    For even a combat vet, things are different. You have people trying to kill you over a difference in ideas, os it's a matter of kill or be killed. But when the fecal matter impacts upon the rotary impeller, it's going to be a matter of willing to die over things like food or medicine. When it's something that important and basic to real survival, things will be much different. It wont be defending against someone who hates you over something so trivial as words. It will be about some poor sucker who just wants to live... That is when we are going to have to really dig deep for humor and beauty in life, because without it what the hell good is living anyway? To suffer a spiritual deprivation? We need have something to build hope on and keep faith alive. In primative times it wasnt so simple to kill and take what we want. Today we can reach out from unseen distances with even the most modest caliber and wreak havok upon those that have what we want. It's the ability to destroy that has destroyed mankind's faith in fellow man, not the actual destruction. Statistically "killers" are not repeat offenders. So that means that they either dont really want to kill, dont have the stomach for it, or are too stupid to get away with it. While many are plain stupid. Most often than not, it's a crime of passion, anger. So the more able someone is to kill, the worse the situation can get. This is where the despair will get us. Not when we make our first kill, but the next one or the one after. The truth is, there are no simple answers. So we must go into this with a touch of humor and a lot of sunshine. We need to enjoy our abilities and practice them. Not the shooting or defensive skills, but the back to basics primative skills like blacksmithing, "hobby" farming, and so on, the skills that will sustain us then, we need to enjoy now, as a form of stress relief, and perhaps a way to make a few extra bucks, not just to buy preps, but for some of the nice things we enjoy, before we cant take the time to enjoy them anymore. Once we cross that line thats drawn between our humanity and the animal instinct to survive, we wont be enjoying much of anything civilized anymore.



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