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Thread: Last Garden harvest

  1. #11
    Garden? I'll show you a garden....
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Here too, most everything in the various gardens are done now except for the front fodder rows. I have a winter garden out front under row cover: turnips, beets, rhudabaggas, cabbage, carrots, mustard greens and such growing out in my long rows right now...we do use some of it in the house but primarily its to feed the rabbits/goats/chickens/pigs. We're replanting our little hogpanel huts right now. One with salad stuff and one with cold weather herbs. With small box heaters I can keep stuff growing in their clear through to the deepest cold in February.

    I love my new handle by the way whoever gave that to me: LOL.

  2. #12
    Queen of the Doom Room
    JustAPrepper's Avatar
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    East Coast, Central Florida
    BP, you're property is absolutely beautiful. I *wish* we had a piece of land like that <sigh>. Very nice!

  3. #13
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    East Tennessee
    Thanks Justa. We got a deal on this place when we got it 19 years ago. There was a short interstate connector going thru about 10 miles from here that connects the 2 largest towns around here across the river in about 5 miles. Next best route was 20+ miles. Needless to say once it opened there was a lot of farmland that went to subdivisions pretty quickly. Any way we got our place about 3 years before it was completed. We got our place for about $6000/acre less than it was 3-5 years later. Now we get to set in our driveway before we can pull out.

    In the corn picture all the trees you can see I planted myself. This place was all pasture when we got it.

  4. #14
    Where's the epi?

    ladyhk13's Avatar
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    Sep 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by izzyscout21 View Post
    Mine garden always dies, not normally through my hand.
    Mine usuallyy dies because I forget to water's on the side of the house that i have to go out and connect the hose and run it over to it...I have a soaker hose but when the yard gets mowed of course the hose gets disconnected so I have to unroll the whole thing, reconnect it, turn it on, remember to turn it off...on and on. I forget...and then there's the weeds. they get as tall as i am in 2 days and those buggers have DEEP roots and trunks like trees! They grow 'em big up here, not like in FL. Ok, I just plane forget and get lazy with other things and have a black thumb....I apologize for nothing.

  5. #15
    Damn the propane, save the bacon!

    LUNCHBOX's Avatar
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    I'm still pulling peppers off red as roses. The misses even warm water bathed canned some. Everything else is done for me also. I keep stringing the ones I pull now to let dry out.
    Be ready now, you won't have that chance later.

  6. #16
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    East Tennessee
    Mrs Bacpacker decided she wanted to fix some cream corn last week, so I had the bright idea to pick a mess of the corn I had growing for the chickens. It turned out very well, so this week we picked about a third of the corn and she cut it off and froze it for use later this winter. I think she ended up with around 15-20 qts. We still have quite a bit left for the chickens this winter.

    I've also been picking a little of the Aramanath over the past month or so. The rest of it is finally ready and will get harvested tomorrow. Here's a shot of it, the corn's in the background. The pic isn't great, time permitting I'll try to get a better shot




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