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Thread: Bugging in is not realistic.

  1. #11
    Claptrap's Problem Solver

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    Quote Originally Posted by ravensgrove View Post
    Ummmm, this is highly subjective. I am fairly certain, all the work we have put in for years, and daily....makes us safer bugging in for most scenarios...vs. taking off bat ass crazy into the unknown..where guess what according to you hoards of people will be wandering about. You can not live on the run forever.
    Couldn't agree more. The bugging out that people seem obsessed with entails leaving a support structure, supplies and relative shelter at the exact time you need the most support, supplies and shelter. Its often when news reports are most unreliable (i.e. you're making decisions based on the worst information possible) and likely doing it at the exact time everybody else is.

    Unless absolutely forced out by circumstances, I'm not voluntarily putting my family into the least safe and least practical of all choices.

    Lastly, those obsessed with "bugging out" are usually the ones obsessed with EOTWAWKI/Mad-Max type scenarios above all else.
    If you think that come SHTF you are gonna jock up in all your kit and be a death-dealing one man army, you're an idiot - izzyscout

  2. #12
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    TEOTWAWKI13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by faster View Post
    towns and cities will have no water, so they will burn. Dogpacks will be everywhere and a very real threat. Rural buildings will all be shotup-searched, repeatedly,as the desperate "townies" (and your rural neighbors) look for food, gear, water, etc. you need not go far, but you need to get away from buildings, get near a year rd source of water, and get underground, with drums of stuff already stowed there, underground.
    So, basically, your BOL is the batcave? By opting to Bug Out, and given your parameters, you don't give yourself much of a chance.

  3. #13
    He's old and grumpy, but not fat. He'll be right back...he has to go tell some kids to get off his lawn

    Stg1swret's Avatar
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    My situation is one that eliminates bugging out as a viable option until after the 'horde" has past. I'm less than 10 miles from the center of Philadelphia. The I-95 corridor and its associated traffic precludes bugging out unless I had days of warning that a major SHTF event was going to happen. Bugging in until the vermin pass is my only option. Most will be out of the area or dead within 3 days of such an incident and a breakdown of ROL(rule of law). I can stay and defend my position easily for a period of 60 days. Your mileage my vary depending on your circumstances.
    "There are no winners in war, only bigger losers"

    If you see me or hear me coming, I'm not doing my job.

  4. #14
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    mollypup's Avatar
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    Which directions the zombie hordes decide to go has been on my mind a LOT lately. I live about 40 miles outside a huge metropolis with many interstates leading into and out of the city and going in all directions. Will the zombies hordes march north? or will they go south where it's warmer? Will they mainly go east or west? How does a zombie decide which direction is best to go in? I think a lot of them will be trying to get to relatives houses and not just hitting the road without a destination in mind. But the inner-city gang dwellers........I think they will stay in the city for the most part because it's the only turf they really know. Some will venture out beyond the city limits but most will probably fight it out over the remaining loot. We have a LOT of people who are not legal residents of U.S. of A out where I live and they speak Spanish mostly. It's them that I worry the most about in regards to the wandering hordes.

    I've decided to bug-in. It's the only way we could possibly survive this coming economic melt-down. Just lay low, board up the windows, bar the doors, keep the guns loaded and hope they all just pass by our house and neighborhood in their search for whatever it is they'll be looking for.
    Last edited by mollypup; 10-17-2011 at 04:55 PM.

  5. #15
    Garden? I'll show you a garden....
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    I'm actually obsessed with TEOTWAWKI....and that is why I work so hard to reskill and BUG IN. If its really'll be much safer hunkered down, then wandering around as Stig pointed out looking for food, shelter, water et all.

  6. #16
    stark assed naked and butt to nut with no issues
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    Quote Originally Posted by faster View Post
    towns and cities will have no water, so they will burn. Dogpacks will be everywhere and a very real threat. Rural buildings will all be shotup-searched, repeatedly,as the desperate "townies" (and your rural neighbors) look for food, gear, water, etc. you need not go far, but you need to get away from buildings, get near a year rd source of water, and get underground, with drums of stuff already stowed there, underground.
    Im curious if you even thought this statement out? While our mascot may be a ANT, it doesnt mean we bury ourselves in a anthill and call it a day!. My situation is this, I have a huge water source nearby, and if that one fails, I have the Mississippi river as my next water source. ( I dont foresee it drying up anytime soon) Im rural already, I have gravity fed local water, so no issues there. My rural neighbors are all pretty much either farmers or Amish, so I cant really see a whole horde of bearded Amish zombies chasing me down in that horse and buggy of theirs, but hey, you never know! As for underground, I think you may very well justify that if you have caves or caverns in your area, but since I dont, I think I will stay with my bug-in plan, its a full support structure already in place, and I dont have to expend precious energy digging it up.

  7. #17
    Grand Poobah of the Smart Car Appreciation Society
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    My place in the southwestern mountains is design to be totaly off grid with no one really knowing it there inless you walk on top of it when i pop the hatch and come out to see what going on .

    That why alot of the people in the area have home's bult into the side's of the mountains there or bult in such away you can tell it a house intill your right on top and it by then it too late for you if they want to hurt you ..

    So bugging in might work for you but it going to work for me in the long run because of the way my place was design not to be see from the road system that runs by the area

  8. #18
    Do you have a robot?
    realist's Avatar
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    Okay I vote for bugging in. I have spent years putting my place together so I am pretty much committed. I have a great group of neighbors that I can depend upon. We have water on site and grow some of our own food. We just have too much stuff to pick up and move on short notice. That said I do have a plan "B" and that will be to go to our property that is about 100 mile north. However this is long term since we do not have a cabin built yet.

    I am in total agreement that everyone's situtation is different. What works for some does not work for others. We moved out of the city just to get away from the rat race. Having been through a bunch of gridlocks when I lived in the city I can not imagine having to get out with a total breakdown. If I were to run into that now I put everything I need on my back an hike out. That is not for me. Last week we took a short trip and it never ceases to amaze me at what we forget when we are not even under stress. Now fast forward when the SHTF and what will we do. I have my lists made just in case but I guess I'm getting old so I will just stay here for now.....

  9. #19
    Where's the epi?

    ladyhk13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hank2222 View Post
    My place in the southwestern mountains is design to be totaly off grid with no one really knowing it there inless you walk on top of it when i pop the hatch and come out to see what going on .

    That why alot of the people in the area have home's bult into the side's of the mountains there or bult in such away you can tell it a house intill your right on top and it by then it too late for you if they want to hurt you ..

    So bugging in might work for you but it going to work for me in the long run because of the way my place was design not to be see from the road system that runs by the area
    how do you handle the humidity inside your home?

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by mollypup View Post
    Will the zombies hordes march north? or will they go south where it's warmer? Will they mainly go east or west? How does a zombie decide which direction is best to go in?

    I've decided to bug-in. It's the only way we could possibly survive this coming economic melt-down. Just lay low, board up the windows, bar the doors, keep the guns loaded and hope they all just pass by our house and neighborhood in their search for whatever it is they'll be looking for.
    I have a zombie plan - it is to get to Grand Manan!!!

    Hey that rhymes



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