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Thread: Bugging in is not realistic.

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Bugging in is not realistic.

    towns and cities will have no water, so they will burn. Dogpacks will be everywhere and a very real threat. Rural buildings will all be shotup-searched, repeatedly,as the desperate "townies" (and your rural neighbors) look for food, gear, water, etc. you need not go far, but you need to get away from buildings, get near a year rd source of water, and get underground, with drums of stuff already stowed there, underground.

  2. #2
    Wants you to "look at what he's holding tonight".

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    I am bugging in, odds of someone finding my place is not very good. And unless there are huge numbers of attackers we will be fine.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Situation will dictate my response.

    I'm not happy where I am but it's what I have for now.

  4. #4
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    I'm buggin in, unless the SHTF situation calls for buggin out. Chemical spill or Nuc accident would be the 2 major factors around here that would cause us to bug out. Not a lot else would do that. We don't have a good bug out location we own, most of our supplies are here, not a ton of reasons for us to leave.
    Military invasion or goverment collaspe, not sure what we'd do, just depends on the situation.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    my BOL is very remote - one ... nobody would be able to access during winter snow, ... summer, block the 1 main road and people on foot will get eaten alive by the bugs

  6. #6
    Queen of the Doom Room
    JustAPrepper's Avatar
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    Faster, maybe a better way of trying to get your point across would be trying to explain why Bugging In wouldn't work for You and Yours and letting the rest of us decide for ourselves, based on your experience, or your assumptions, as to whether it would work for us or not.

    I'm pretty passive and there are a lot of conversations on these type of boards that I won't indulge in because I don't feel qualified but when met with such a strong opinion on a matter that Me and Mine have put a lot of thought in to, I respond in kind.

    My situation is not your situation. My situation is "MY" situation and we have planned the best we can. Bugging In is our primary choice for a myriad of reasons. I could explain them one by one if you'd like just to give you a different perspective, something you didn't afford any of us when you made your assertion.

    And just to prove a little of my point, we are not cats. We can't just take all our shit and bury it "underground" someplace as you suggested, nor can we build berms to hide it from anyone with any common sense. Our natural elevation is as flat as Kansas and digging just a few feet down we would hit the top water table. The only "hills" we have in our area are those from the landfill so building any kind of earthen berm would be a dead giveaway that something is hidden within.

    So thanks for your insight, limited as it may be, but it doesn't work for us. We're Bugging IN.

  7. #7
    Bacon Spam

    rentprop1's Avatar
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    you have to work with what you've got, I'm in a town of only 8,000 but 2 major cities are an hour away, or 2 days away if you had to walk it

  8. #8
    Garden? I'll show you a garden....
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    Ummmm, this is highly subjective. I am fairly certain, all the work we have put in for years, and daily....makes us safer bugging in for most scenarios...vs. taking off bat ass crazy into the unknown..where guess what according to you hoards of people will be wandering about. You can not live on the run forever.

    "if we must die, then we will die in the land we were born in, defending our freedom"-Sitting Bull

  9. #9
    For the Love of Cats

    Sniper-T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustAPrepper View Post
    Faster, maybe a better way of trying to get your point across would be trying to explain why Bugging In wouldn't work for You and Yours and letting the rest of us decide for ourselves, based on your experience, or your assumptions, as to whether it would work for us or not.

    I'm pretty passive and there are a lot of conversations on these type of boards that I won't indulge in because I don't feel qualified but when met with such a strong opinion on a matter that Me and Mine have put a lot of thought in to, I respond in kind.

    My situation is not your situation. My situation is "MY" situation and we have planned the best we can. Bugging In is our primary choice for a myriad of reasons. I could explain them one by one if you'd like just to give you a different perspective, something you didn't afford any of us when you made your assertion.

    And just to prove a little of my point, we are not cats. We can't just take all our shit and bury it "underground" someplace as you suggested, nor can we build berms to hide it from anyone with any common sense. Our natural elevation is as flat as Kansas and digging just a few feet down we would hit the top water table. The only "hills" we have in our area are those from the landfill so building any kind of earthen berm would be a dead giveaway that something is hidden within.

    So thanks for your insight, limited as it may be, but it doesn't work for us. We're Bugging IN.
    well said...

    and, DITTO!!

  10. #10
    Junior Member
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    I live in a place that city dwellers will flee to,if I go further "Up North" , I will run into the residents there, who in turn will have to flee into Canada, who then will have to flee into Hudson Bay, Sooner or later , someone needs to take a stand



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