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Thread: The Art of Humping

  1. #21
    Watch one, Do one, Teach one
    IDTANDY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vertstang86 View Post
    Sigh... I figured it was that but i wasnt about to be the weird one...
    This is weird..
    HPS Urine Therapy UT Programs

    Other natural treatments.
    Well known for being one of, if not the most effective herbal remedy in curing fungal infections, garlic
    will most likely be number one in any form of research you may do to aid in your battle with this type of
    infection. Garlic has been scientifically proven as one of the top choice herbs for athlete’s foot. It
    does an excellent job in the immediate relief of symptoms caused by athlete’s foot. Simply take a small
    tub, large enough to soak the feet completely, add a fairly decent amount of crushed garlic cloves and
    add in a touch of rubbing alcohol. While the aroma may not be ideal for hosting company, it will work
    wonders to ease the itching and burning.

    25 fungicidal compounds making it a powerful natural herb for athlete’s foot. It can be used to prepare
    a strong beverage using five to seven teaspoons of the dried herb added to one cup of water. Bring the
    mixture to a boil and allow to steep for 20 minutes. When it is cool plainly apply it to the affected
    areas with cotton balls or a clean cloth.

    Tea Tree Oil
    Herbal remedies for athlete’s foot have long included tea tree oil. Studies have shown it to be
    effective for reducing symptoms and bringing relief while studies have just begun which show that
    actively using tea tree oil for 4 days should begin to bring upon the healing, while after 10 or so days
    the athlete’s foot infection should have a quite notable, almost healed condition.

    Lemon Grass
    Lemon grass is a powerful herbal remedy for athlete’s foot due to its anti-fungal agents which help
    prevent infections. The oil from lemon grass can provide healing in two forms. It can be taken internally
    as a tea, followed by using the teabags as a compress to be directly applied to the area of the foot that
    is infected.

    There are several known herbs that provide antifungal compounds. In a list of over twenty, ginger ranks
    Among the top five to almost all herbal specialists. The most powerful method to use ginger to bring
    relief to those suffering from athlete’s foot is by taking one ounce of chopped ginger root and adding it
    to one cup of boiling water. Use a clean cloth to absorb the concoction and apply to the foot. The warmth
    will provide soothing to the foot whilst being absorbed by the infected area.
    Last edited by IDTANDY; 04-11-2012 at 01:35 AM.

  2. #22
    Claims to have NEVER worn pink. Likely story.

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    Quote Originally Posted by IDTANDY View Post
    I'm more concerned at how you even FOUND that.... LOL!!
    It is, of course, obvious that speed, or height of fall, is not in itself injurious ... but a high rate of change of velocity, such as occurs after a 10 story fall onto concrete, is another matter.

  3. #23
    For the Love of Cats

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    The Great White North!

  4. #24
    Watch one, Do one, Teach one
    IDTANDY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vertstang86 View Post
    I'm more concerned at how you even FOUND that.... LOL!!

  5. #25
    NVG....totally a work deduction!

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    Sunlight is a powerful anti-fungal and it doesn't smell like urine.

    But if you get jock itch.... don't get a sunburn...

  6. #26
    plenty of extra room "down his pants"
    ElevenBravo's Avatar
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    Just FYI, its a combat arms thing.... The jarheads are not the only ones to call it humping, grunts call it affectionately the same...

  7. #27
    plenty of extra room "down his pants"
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  8. #28
    plenty of extra room "down his pants"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stormfeather View Post
    You will fall into the mental daze
    Droning.... sux. Been there, done that... dont wanna do it again.

    Droning at night... sux even worse. The guy in front stops and you dont.... even.... realize it.


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