Justa here, venting from Salt Lake. My very first time out here and not only was I excited to get here but DH was so excited to finally get me "home". What an incredibly beautiful place. Everywhere you turn there is a mountain range, some are topped with snow, and there is still a little Fall color happening along the slopes and in the valley.

We arrived Thursday and everything was going well. Got up Friday morning and I wanted to head in to the mountains so DH takes me up Little Cottonwood Canyon first. Keep in mind, I've lived in Florida the past 35 years...Sea Level...the valley ranges 4500 - 6000 feet above sea level depending. Little Cottonwood...10,000 feet. On the way up I started getting a headache and thought Uh-OH! Then it went away. One the way down I had two serious episodes of Altitude Sickness and have been dealing with it ever since. Today I ended up in the ER because I just can't breathe and/or get enough oxygen here. Fatigue, dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath, you name it. It's pretty serious business and people have died here from it so the ER ran a bunch of tests to make sure there weren't any other underlying issues but all is good and I'm healthy. I'm just "One of those Flat Landers that can't seem to adjust". So, they gave me a breathing treatment and an inhaler to use for the rest of our trip but if it doesn't kick in by tomorrow and I start feeling some real relief I may fly home early. Sucks because I'll miss one of the things I was looking forward to most, travelling to Moab and visiting all the Arches and dessert canyons but in order to get "down" there we have to go "up" and over a mountain range and that scares me to death. I don't want to go any higher!

Anyway, just thought I'd pop in since I'm here in bed resting and trying to BREATHE.