Over the last few years I have been buying preps...many over the internet.

From many different sites.

Delivered by many different companies and people.

So If I had to add up everyone that knows I'm a prepper....that I really actually don't know....I would guess there could be at least 50 to 100 strangers that know how much and what types of things I have accumulated. This doesn't count the gun dealer/s and other sales people for things I bought in local stores.

They know my name and address and many know my face and mail routines. They could have copies of packing/delivery slips in their personal collection of places to go and people to see.

If they aren't preppers and want to be scavangers...they are loaded with vital information.

Aslo you don't know who has reported back to any government agencies ...If you see something...say something.

At this point since I now have a substancial investment in stuff....selling my house and moving could be a very good idea....Doesn't mean I'll be totally safe...but may be just safer than I am now.