Ladies and Gentlemen. Boys and Girls. Posters and trolls alike......Redjohn and I present to you the finalists in the October 2011 Thread of the Month contest.

On searching for all threads started in October I got 5 pages of results. That's right, 5 pages! Thank you to everybody who posted a thread and contributed. We appreciate you taking the time to contribute here. We were overwhelmed by the number of new threads and, perhaps more importantly, the quality of the threads y'all created.

The threads below were chosen as especially interesting. They exhibited creativity, generated interesting discussion and obviously took a little time to create. That's not to say the other threads weren't good....most of them were (which made choosing the finalists somewhat challenging). But we felt these threads stood out.

How much of your own food do you grow?

Lessons learned from the great Houston bugout

How I pressure can meat

I have a great new book so I thought Id share: spice bible

What illness scares you the most post SHTF

When SHTF what are you going to feed your dog

Choosing the right SHTF firearm

I found an underground bunker complex

Now here is where you, the members, step in, as the winner will be chosen by you fine folks. Simply vote for which thread you think was the most thought provoking, most interesting, generated the best response, or was flat out most cool.

Voting will be open through Thursday the 10th (ie for about a week).

Which ever thread gets the most votes will win the prize.

Just as a reminder, here are some of the items the winner will walk away with.

So there you is early and vote often!