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Thread: Hoarding or saving? Where do you draw the line?

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  1. #1
    Garden? I'll show you a garden....
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    It's all about organization and cleanliness I think. Hoarders are neither. A hoarders idea of organization is "that pile over there, if you can get to it, behind that stack of trash". I am sure you aren't keeping broken items and trash piled 3 ft from your ceiling and have tiny paths all over your house...that's hoarding.
    Now...Justa might be like me with a terrible case of OCD...or as my husband says..."that's not clean its sterile and you are an Organazi." LOL.

    PS: my husband has actually threatened his soldiers for years with bringing me to do inspections. I have that sort of laser vision that can see a speck of dust from 50 ft. Which is exactly why I should probably not do projects like interlocking flooring. I am staining every single tiny crack.....he likes to mess with me and off kilter pictures or move things. The opposite of you, I won't keep anything that is broken or nicked, or torn or can't be properly looks like it never broke to begin with...fixed. If it weren't for my husband we would have no memorabilia from nearing 20 years of marriage, I keep nothing except essentials. I think the above post is correct, its two sides of the same neurotic coin.
    Last edited by ravensgrove; 11-06-2011 at 09:56 PM.

  2. #2
    Where's the epi?

    ladyhk13's Avatar
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    I have never watched the show, have only seen the commercials. My mom is from a communist country and can make use of just about anything so maybe that's where I get it from. I figure that zippers are pretty expensive so when I start making clothes or if DH breaks one I'll have a replacement. Pockets are great to sew on aprons or craft room hangings to put small objects in or even to replace a pocket that has ripped. I have seen blue jean quilts and they are very cool for boys and if shtf people may become in need of warm blankets so if I have the raw materials all it will take is the labor to create them.
    I feel like I can rationalize the stuff I keep or buy since isn't that the reason or the way we prep? I just wasn't sure if I was the only one that did would never know I had any of these things since they are all packed away waiting for the day I need them.
    It's like the copper and lead....I know we can't use it right now but at some point we may need it or could barter for it. OCD? does that mean all preppers have some OCD in them?

  3. #3
    Crotch Rocket

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    I just want to say I think this is an excellent topic and discussion. Very thought provoking, imo.

    Enough so I actually need some time to process and consider how to answer properly before I offer up an opinion.
    Consilio et animis


  4. #4
    Where's the epi?

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    Ok, for the record...I don't keep "broken" items per se. If a dish breaks I throw it away, if a curtain rod bends I get rid of it. I don't keep kids toys since my son is grown now (except for the toys he has decided to keep to pass down to his kids which are packed up in my attic). I have this beautiful comforter that got a rip in the washer. I kept it because it has wonderful braiding/cording on it and I will be able to reuse most of the material. I packed it up and want to make something out of it one day. I don't know what, maybe some pillows. I am very artsy and crafty and love to create so I know that is part of the reason I keep some of the things that I do. I have tubs and tubs of art and craft supplies just waiting for my studio/sewing room to get set up. Working on that slowly now....and it's PURPLE!
    I just don't want you guys to get the idea that I save "broken" junk...they are things that can be restructured for something else useful. If it's junk I throw it away.

  5. #5
    Claptrap's Problem Solver

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    Hoarding is what happens when Lunchbox texts you that he's made a gear run.

    Saving is what happens when you already have 7 of what he's offering (your money that is).
    If you think that come SHTF you are gonna jock up in all your kit and be a death-dealing one man army, you're an idiot - izzyscout

  6. #6
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
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    My kids rooms did look like on the tv show, there was a path in my sons room that would give a mountain goat a challenge.

    Anyway, I think it's safe to say that preppers do have at least a bit of OCD. Actually, a lot of people do, and some isn't necessarily a bad thing. When it controls your life, then it gets to be a bad thing.
    We don't keep broken dishes, or similar thing either. But serious hoarders do. A 3" long jeans zipper doesn't cost much, probably almost not worth the effort to remove and keep it. However, we here at our house would do the same thing.
    I have things I've saved and kept for close to 20yrs for the day I would use them, and that day hasn't arrived yet. Realistically, it probably won't arrive. I also have things I've kept for the day I'd need them, and then couldn't find them, and had to get another. So what exactly was the point? I still do it though. And that is the OCD. That is also the hoarder. It doesn't run my life, and our house won't qualify to be on the tv show. But we have it at least a bit.
    Some hoarders are neat, or at least start out that way. The ones on the shows have just let it get totally out of their control. Instead of running it, it runs them. As long as you control it, you're GTG. At least, that's how I see it. I think you kinda have to be a bit of a hoarder to prep well.

  7. #7
    Crotch Rocket

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    Ok, I've made the same conclusion that many others here have referenced, and its even in the threads title. Prepper vs hoarder - and OCD or not - is, to me, that preppers and those without OCD are able to set limits.

    As preppers, we have limits on what items we choose to acquire and save, and further limits on the amounts of those items. Another aspect in the equation of prepper vs. hoarder is that we're able to let go of the items we do have. Whether that be through personal consumption, trade, or scrapping those items that become damaged/ expired. Hoarders seem unable to set those limits or dispose of anything. Its my opinion this will hold true of either group whether or not either one is organized or disorganized.

    I feel its the same thing for those suffering from OCD. A person can be super organized, or spotlessly clean, and like keeping things that way without having OCD. There can be periods of disorganization and/ or uncleanliness without worry - wheras it seems an OCD individual is wholly unable to let something sit in the "wrong" place, or will repeatedly clean things even when they're already spotless. i.e. some of them continuing to scrub their hands until they bleed, or wiping glass rings on tables as you pick the glass up to drink from it. The little spot in the brain that sets limits is missing or gone haywire.

    I would say, from your description, that hoarding is not an issue in your home, and neither is OCD, because you're evaluating the worth of the items you pick to save. You have limits.

    Just my .02
    Consilio et animis


  8. #8
    Where's the epi?

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    Quote Originally Posted by mitunnelrat View Post
    Ok, I've made the same conclusion that many others here have referenced, and its even in the threads title. Prepper vs hoarder - and OCD or not - is, to me, that preppers and those without OCD are able to set limits.
    I do feel that I am able to set limits for things that I keep/buy but other people would ask/say that I have way too much or think I'm nuts for having what I do.

    As preppers, we have limits on what items we choose to acquire and save, and further limits on the amounts of those items. Another aspect in the equation of prepper vs. hoarder is that we're able to let go of the items we do have. Whether that be through personal consumption, trade, or scrapping those items that become damaged/ expired. Hoarders seem unable to set those limits or dispose of anything. Its my opinion this will hold true of either group whether or not either one is organized or disorganized.

    I feel its the same thing for those suffering from OCD. A person can be super organized, or spotlessly clean, and like keeping things that way without having OCD. There can be periods of disorganization and/ or uncleanliness without worry - wheras it seems an OCD individual is wholly unable to let something sit in the "wrong" place, or will repeatedly clean things even when they're already spotless. i.e. some of them continuing to scrub their hands until they bleed, or wiping glass rings on tables as you pick the glass up to drink from it. The little spot in the brain that sets limits is missing or gone haywire.
    well I don't have that problem, that's for sure. I do like a clean house and the dog hair does bug me but I have learned that no matter how many times I sweep the floors as soon as they even look at a floor their hair JUMPS on it and it's covered again. I don't stress over it anymore.
    I would say, from your description, that hoarding is not an issue in your home, and neither is OCD, because you're evaluating the worth of the items you pick to save. You have limits.

    Just my .02
    Thank you! Have any of you others out there wondered or worried about crossing that line? Also, how do you deal with people who tell you that you have way too much of something that you really think you are justified in having? I have read some having thousands of rolls of toilet paper...I have no where near that but would like to without having to worry about having to validate my reasons to others. Thoughts?

  9. #9
    Crotch Rocket

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    Quote Originally Posted by ladyhk13 View Post
    Thank you! Have any of you others out there wondered or worried about crossing that line? Also, how do you deal with people who tell you that you have way too much of something that you really think you are justified in having? I have read some having thousands of rolls of toilet paper...I have no where near that but would like to without having to worry about having to validate my reasons to others. Thoughts?
    My response is dicated by who I'm talking to, and what tone the discussion has. If its rude, I just straight people to "stfu and listen for the pop. "I don't judge your lifestyle, don't get judge me on mine." Or, I'll say "you may be right, and if I'm wrong, I'll simply have extra goods I can use over time and suffer no loss - but, if I'm right, having this stuff could literally be the difference between life and death." My 3rd major position is centered on Judeo-Christian principles and validated in scripture. As I said, it depends on who I'm talking to and how they approach me.

    ETA: I am also with everyone else though. There really aren't too many people we need to justify this with.
    Last edited by mitunnelrat; 11-12-2011 at 01:29 PM.
    Consilio et animis


  10. #10
    Claptrap's Problem Solver

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    Quote Originally Posted by mitunnelrat View Post
    My response is dicated by who I'm talking to, and what tone the discussion has. If its rude, I just straight people to "stfu and listen for the pop. "I don't judge your lifestyle, don't get judge me on mine." Or, I'll say "you may be right, and if I'm wrong, I'll simply have extra goods I can use over time and suffer no loss - but, if I'm right, having this stuff could literally be the difference between life and death." My 3rd major position is centered on Judeo-Christian principles and validated in scripture. As I said, it depends on who I'm talking to and how they approach me.

    ETA: I am also with everyone else though. There really aren't too many people we need to justify this with.

    If someone is generally just kinda rude I typically ignore them all together. They don't really get a vote in the matter anyway.

    If someone is really rude I typically ask the person why they feel the need to have such an asinine house, three new cars and take 3 vacations a year. Why would they "need" such a large TV. Since they feel my items are useless and should be mocked I typically go for the jugular and mock theirs.

    If the person isn't rude, but misguided, I might try the "would you have a fire extinguisher in the kitchen just in case" or "wouldn't it be nice to have some water on hand in case the power went out/city water was contaminated" sort of reasoning. You end up sounding like an idiot by arguing that having a fire extinguisher is somehow a bad idea/tinfoil/crazy/wacky, so most people will either (1) STFU and move on or (2) be quiet and maybe consider things.

    If the person is genuinely interested I'll expand my discussion much further to include preparing for larger events because I think local governments will fold or even getting into the direction I think the country is going (if I really trust people).

    Never, under any circumstances, do I get into Mad-Max/roving hordes of zombies as justification. 99.9% of people will look at you like an alien. Why on earth would you turn off someone who may possibly be open by using the worse-case extreme example? That's simply dumb.

    Ease them into it by getting them to consider smaller scale events. Then when they are comfortable with that gently guide them to consider larger scale events. Let them figure out the zombie horde/catastrophic scenarios on their own. If they fall in line on the smaller stuff they'll get to the bigger situations.
    If you think that come SHTF you are gonna jock up in all your kit and be a death-dealing one man army, you're an idiot - izzyscout



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