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Thread: Hoarding or saving? Where do you draw the line?

  1. #31
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ravensgrove View Post
    The floor in the first picture gave me hives, the second picture sent me into a panic attack and the third picture was just my sort of crazy
    LOL!!! Yeah that place needs a clean. Icky for sure. I didn't notice the floor before, ewww. Just the dust on the bins. Looks like water damage stains.

    I love PAINT. A good clean and a good coat of heavy oil paint, ... nothing like paint as a cheap fix.

  2. #32
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
    Gunfixr's Avatar
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    Yes, the world will still be full of morons, but they will die off rather quickly, and in droves.

    I had a couple friends who always made fun of us, but then always said they were coming to our house if it all went south.
    I always told them to bring their preps with them, we'd all work it out together. Their plan was to come live off our preps.
    It was funny until I asked them a question, and they didn't have an answer.
    Them: "If TSHTF I'm coming to your house."
    Me:" Why, you wanna get shot by somebody you know?"

  3. #33
    stark assed naked and butt to nut with no issues
    Stormfeather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunfixr View Post
    Yes, the world will still be full of morons, but they will die off rather quickly, and in droves.

    I had a couple friends who always made fun of us, but then always said they were coming to our house if it all went south.
    I always told them to bring their preps with them, we'd all work it out together. Their plan was to come live off our preps.
    It was funny until I asked them a question, and they didn't have an answer.
    Them: "If TSHTF I'm coming to your house."
    Me:" Why, you wanna get shot by somebody you know?"
    Hehe, this is exactly what i say as well!

  4. #34
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    I've decided to feed my neighbors for as long as I can. I'll need them to help protect us and especially my kids. If they want some of my food and water, they'll have to give me something I want in return and that's there eyes and ears for coming trouble.

  5. #35
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
    Gunfixr's Avatar
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    Just make sure you can trust them without a shred of doubt with your life, for that is exactly what you are doing.

  6. #36
    Garden? I'll show you a garden....
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    Why? You want to get shot by somebody you know?????? Officially in my repertoire of best lines ever.

  7. #37
    Does NOT use a snake bit sucker kit on snake bits

    Evolver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mollypup View Post
    I've decided to feed my neighbors for as long as I can. I'll need them to help protect us and especially my kids. If they want some of my food and water, they'll have to give me something I want in return and that's there eyes and ears for coming trouble.
    Justa and I are chewing on the same idea about our neighbors, they don't know it yet and won't until S does HTF.

  8. #38
    Where's the epi?

    ladyhk13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mollypup View Post
    I've decided to feed my neighbors for as long as I can. I'll need them to help protect us and especially my kids. If they want some of my food and water, they'll have to give me something I want in return and that's there eyes and ears for coming trouble.
    I still believe that if you are in a small community of like minded people it is better to share your resources and knowledge/talents/strengths since i think that there is power in numbers. if someone is really good at growing but someone else has the knowlwdge and equipment to can/preserve it, then why shouldn't they go in on seeds together and share the bounty? Someone has sheep and someone else knows how to spin yarn and knit then why wouldn't they come together as a unit?Things like that. Isn't that how our ancestsors made it through hard times? Turn away the zombies but don't forget your humanity.

  9. #39
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    I totally agree Ladyhk13 with everything you said. I hope it works out that way where I live - suburbia. Luckily there is some open land here and there withing biking distance and a few old farmers who still plant a beautiful garden every year. My neighbors, however, probably don't know how to do jack as far as surviving and will most likely be totally dependent on people like me who are very few and very far apart.

  10. #40
    Garden? I'll show you a garden....
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    I also beleive that a pack get farther than a lone wolf, a tribe farther than a solitary brave. I have talked about this before here, but not only will it be a necessity to forge alliances post just can not, no matter what you think, know everything and be everything to yourself indefinitely. More importantly, you need to start forging these alliances now, for all you know shit will hit the fan tomorrow, and this is not an area you want a steep learning curve.
    There are people in my community I can not stand, and they can not stand me we are so polarly opposite politically/spiritually...but we still can be civil with one another, and we still go out of our way to not just coexist but create systems for thriving post shtf, not just surviving. I don't have to like you to know you up my chances of survival, and vice versa. I have heard more than one person muse that "yeah Sabrina may be a bitch, but she'll keep us alive".



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