I put out some seed about 3 weeks ago on the garden as cover crops. The rape seed has just broken the ground, but the Annual Rye has already came up. Here's a couple of pic's.

In the background of this shot is a glance at the chicken coop.

I also planted my winter wheat at the same time. It came up even quicker and has took off well.


This is my second attempt at growing wheat. Last years crop was off to a great start and got hammered by the hail storm. I basically got nothing off of it. Hopefully this crop will make it till the end and I'll get a good harvest from it.

My step dad still has an old sickle bar mowing machine we used when I was growing up. He told me I could have it. It needs new knives and guard's installed. I also have a spare sickle that I need to get welded up and set it up with new knives and guard's as well. Otherwise it's still in great shape and has been stored in his barn since we quit using it back in the early 1980's. I'm almost certain I can get it running and it will do a good job of cutting the wheat down. All I will have to do is just pick it up and seperate the wheat from the chaff. We'll see how it goes.