Here is just one of the many ways to put your rain barrels together.

We have 4 barrels total, two at two corners of our house.

Lesson learned... On my house paints I use Glidden Gripper Primer and I swear by it... I had it on hand so I used it to prime the barrels for painting then painted two coats of Latex. It is holding up ok but I won't use it again on HDPE plastic. You can scratch it off with your fingernail quite easily so your better off using spray paint formulated for plastics.

The screen on the inlet stops large debris from getting in and keeps the mosquitoes out. The water from the down spout dumps into one barrel then when it's full the over flow fills the next one.

When its full the over flow is screened too keep the mosquitoes out then down spouted to the ground to control erosion.

I used a gutter to down spout adapter for the overflow.

They are manifolded and tied into the soaker hose system.

For every 10'x10' area 1'' of rain amounts to 62 gallons of water so if your house is 1,500 sqf you can collect 930 gals of water from 1''of rain.