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Thread: Misdiagnosed water consumption

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Misdiagnosed water consumption

    Miscalculated water consumption

    Ok so a basic rule of thumb is. a gallon a day per adult for drinking. 3gallons per adult for drinking,cooking , personal hygiene.

    So...... what if persay, you had radiation poisoning. Or stomach problems due to bad water or the squirts due to a sudden change of diet because perhaps your stored foods are very different that a normal diet.

    Point is, is that I think a lot pf preppers, tho intensions are right, base their storage of water on what they are conceiving as a normal amount of water needed per an average day.

    SHTF scenario and a bad case of stomach/gastro intestinal problems and your water consumption could double with a quickness for personal hygiene and clean up

    What sayeth you?


  2. #2
    The source of all known trouble in the universe

    RedJohn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    I do not drink this much. I am the best days at 1.5 liter (roughly a half gallon). I always have a minimum of 24 1.5 liter bottles at anytime. This should last me a month. Bathing is out of question, I have wipes for that. They do a good job. MRE require little to no water. Like I say before, I am a one month prepper. Anything above that will require hunting at least.

  3. #3
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    East Tennessee
    I'm shooting for 2 gallons a day, me & the wife for 3 month. Right away I will be collecting water and purifing as needed, rainwater, pond next door, lake down the road.
    Alaska, I do agree with you sickness will increase your water usage. The sickness could have even came from dirty cooking, preperation utensils or counter maybe. So you will use more water for thurogh cleaning.
    VERY good point and something to be considered.

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