Quote Originally Posted by helomech View Post
Most people, especially city people will not head out into the woods. At least none I have ever met. They are like cattle and will stick to paths. Maybe a few will make it, but not any large numbers. It is actually well over 60 miles in a straight line. They would have to cross lakes and rivers to get to my place from the interstate. Again large crowds will not walk down hundreds of miles of dirt roads most of which are dead ends. We may have a few stragglers stumble upon our place, but no large numbers.

Also you are talking about 247 miles between Houston and Dallas, the two cities closest to me. The closest is a 2 hour drive on a great day. Do you realize how many places there are for people to wander around. The odds of any of those folks ever getting to my place is like winning the lotto. The closest town to me is 7k people and very few of them even know there is a house where I live.

nobody is talking about YOUR individual situation .... you can live in FT Knox for all I care ... but if you think even the stupidest naive shepple are going to sit on the interstate until they starve to death or freeze up solid is just being ignorant .... everyday in this country there's interstate pile ups and you can watch drivers take alternative action .... just because people don't prep and aren't prepper equipped - doesn't mean they aren't intelligent, crafty, inventive, and very prepared physically .... there's going to be sheeple still humming along loooooong after the best prepared preppers are down & out ....