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Thread: I feel violated

  1. #1
    He's old and grumpy, but not fat. He'll be right back...he has to go tell some kids to get off his lawn

    Stg1swret's Avatar
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    I feel violated

    This may sound a little strange coming from a man. but I feel violated. Last night coming home from work I see a young lady in distress along the interstate I travel to and from work. Numerous cars before me pass her by as she is trying to flag someone down to help. The issue is a flat tire. I pulled over to render assistance.There is a young child in the back seat fast asleep in a car seat. I get out of my truck and ask if the young lady has a jack so we can start the process of changing the flat. She isn't sure so we search through the junk in the truck , no jack, no problem , as I have one. I loosen the lug nuts and proceed to jack the rear of the car up to change the tire. Once the rear tire is off the ground , I proceed to remove the lug nuts and flat from the car. Time spent so far 5 minutes and change. we both go to retrieve the spare from the car. There is a spare but it to is flat. It is now about 11:15PM. Decide it would be best to take the spare and the flat to a full service station just in case. Throw both in the bed of the pick=up and search the web for a near by full service station that is open via my cell. Find one 15 miles away, call to confirm they will be open when I get there and that a mechanic will be on duty. No problem, so far so good. Inform young lady this will take a while she and child can come with me or wait in the car. Young lady opts to come with me. We remove child seat and child from car an strap them in in my truck. Proceed to service station to get at least one of the tires repaired if possible to get her on her way home.Spare is shot, other tire is shot. What to do now. ask young lady if she can afford repair. it is $40 for the cheapest tire , which looks like a POS. She has 10 bucks to her name. I spring for the tire and tell her I'll exchange info later , she can pay me back when she has the money. Young lady agrees and we get a new tire for her car. It is now close to midnight, and I really need to get home and get some shut eye. On the way back I tell the young lady she can pay it forward by helping someone else, and not to worry about repaying me. She thanks me and says it is a big help as she is not employed. Not a problem. Get back to car put tire on and tell her to get a spare as soon as she can afford it. Put child and car seat back in her car and secure seat. I'm good with everything that happened up to this point, and am expecting her to say thanks and to go on her way. She then threw me completely for a loop. Now mind you I'm almost 60, and she couldn't have been more then 24. I was raised a Catholic, and have always been a gentleman. The next words out of her mouth were, "I have to repay you some how, how about a BJ or some other sex." It felt like hours before I replied as traffic went by. When I said no that was alright, she wanted to know what was wrong with her, and why I didn't want to have some kind of sex for repayment..

    What the hell is wrong with America these days? Have we sunk that low? If this is what we've come to, I want no part of it. can anyone explain this type of behavior and the thought process behind it. if this is what happens over someone helping with a flat tire, should SHTF the country is in serious trouble.
    "There are no winners in war, only bigger losers"

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  2. #2
    Stalkercat...destroyer of donkeys, rider of horse

    izzyscout21's Avatar
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    first off, kudos to you for actually stopping when others wouldn't.

    second, I can't explain what has become of the thinking is counrty. Although, sex has been a type of currency since the beginning of time, I like you, have absolutely no desire to exchange it for goods or services.
    WARNING: This post may contain material offensive to those who lack wit, humor, common sense and/or supporting factual or anecdotal evidence. All statements and assertions contained herein may be subject to but not limited to: irony, metaphor, allusion and dripping sarcasm.

  3. #3
    CC Gray Panther
    eagle326's Avatar
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    It's my belief that the younger generation and a few from our own have come to use sex as a tool . They use it to get what they want or need. It's no longer something special between 2 people. She probably didn't think she was doing anything wrong by offering it up as repayment and that's the sad and scary part.
    She was taken aback with your answer because your refusal questioned her looks and build more than likely. Those 2 things are more important today than morality or self- esteem.

    To her money probably has more value than self respect or a sex act with a total stranger. And to think she's raising a child. And if she has a man in her life what does this say about her.
    You did the right thing by getting the hell out of there as soon as you could.

  4. #4
    Do you have a robot?
    realist's Avatar
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    We definitely live in a different world that we originally grew up in. I would have paid for the tire just to see the look on your face............

  5. #5
    Well also, kudo's for stopping, buying the tire, and helping that woamn and the child. I was quite surprised to read that she offered you sex for your hard work.

  6. #6
    Claptrap's Problem Solver

    The Stig's Avatar
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    Yea, I'm with the posts above. Well done.

    While I'm a man and enjoy the "fleshly pleasures" just as much as the next guy (perhaps more) what you described just makes me sad. Sad that the younger women in our society have so disassociated themselves from what sex is supposed to be for that they'll likely never truly experience how wonderful it is when exchanged under the "right" circumstances. Pro tip: giving a BJ to a stranger on the side of the road isn't the "right" circumstances.

    And that's not to say that today's "young men" are pillars of virtue either. It takes two to tango.

    I guess I'm officially graduated to the world of old fart status. I too wonder what is going on in the world.

    And the paranoid part of me wonders that if you indulged if she'd turn around and file charges that you attacked her.
    If you think that come SHTF you are gonna jock up in all your kit and be a death-dealing one man army, you're an idiot - izzyscout

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Stig View Post

    And the paranoid part of me wonders that if you indulged if she'd turn around and file charges that you attacked her.
    Yup, if I was a man, this is the reason I would not stop and help. These are tough times.

  8. #8
    Premium Member

    TEOTWAWKI13's Avatar
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    It's the sex sells generation. TV shows are more "risque" than ever. Women are told they can get whatever they want by flashing a little skin. (No offense Sparrow) I ain't saying it's right. That's just the way things are these days, and it's sad, and as a father of 2 beautiful daughters, it worries me greatly. Advertisements and media and movies and more says that sex gets you what you want in life.
    The chair is against the wall. The chair is against the wall. John has a long mustache. John has a long mustache.

  9. #9
    The source of all known trouble in the universe

    RedJohn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Stig View Post
    And the paranoid part of me wonders that if you indulged if she'd turn around and file charges that you attacked her.
    This is the first thing that came to mind. It is so easy these days to land in jail for a blow job.

  10. #10
    Crotch Rocket

    mitunnelrat's Avatar
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    Is it bad that my initial response was "whoa"

    and my next one was more facetious

    "Sounds like she's done this before" (ref. the kid in the back seat)

    Sorry, I had to...
    Consilio et animis




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