Little things you learnt by trying something different. and what possessed you to do it in the first place; if you remember.

I try to eat as healthy as possible. Minimum fat, minimum grease. I stirfry, not deep fry. I poach, not fry... etc.

But, there are things that need to be fried. bacon, hamburger etc.

when you fry them up, it is easy enough to save the grease by pouring it off, but there is always that coating on everything, and the extra left in the pan after you have poured off as much as you can.

Bacon is easy, you can lay it on paper towels and pat it dry with others; but what if you are making a GIANT batch of chili... or spaghetti sauce?? it isn't feasible to dump 3/4 of a canning pot onto paper towels.

Here's what I do. drain off as much as possible, block up one side of the pot, and shovel as much to that side as possible. then I use my turkey baster to get rid of whatever I can.

no biggie right? well that's just the leadup!

Then I take some paper towels and crumple them up loosely and add them to the pot and continue stirring. They will attract all the grease that is left. Replace and repeat as necessary to remove as much as you want.For everyday meals, some is ok... but for LTS, the less the better. And this will rid your meat of 99.9% of all fat, if you so wish.

The best part... the paper towels are re-usable when you're done! No, not like that!

Take them and fold them into 1/4's and put them into ziplock bags, and toss em in the freezer. I found out the hard way that both my dog and cat love them... so that led me to think... BAIT! when I am trapping, or just out shooting coyotes, hang a couple in the trees above the traps or shooting lane, and let the wind to it's thing. critters can't resist the smell. It also works for skunks and racoons.... as well as most members of the weasel family.

Oh, and I found this out by accident.. I was whiping a spill on my stove with one hand, and a couple towels slipped into my canner pot of ground moose from the other. I pulled them out easily enough, but then noticed that they were yellow with grease. Once I did my final draining I tried it again, and was VERY impressed with the results.

whatcha'll got??