tx grumpy... that`s the info I was looking for. My ancestors opened the north of central canada for gold exploration, and a couple of them still own and run registered trap lines. I have bags of ore that I`ve found over the years, that contain gold... but at this point... cannot do anything with it, as I don`t own the mineral rights to the land... and yes... by an assay test, they can determine where the gold came from. so if I try to melt it down and cash it in, at this point, I will lose it all!

I have some major veins `stashed`covered and hidden... hopefully, at some point I will have the resourses to extract it. Around here, gold used to be extracted from ore with cyanide, I`m not sure of the process... but it was as nasty to the environment as anything I have ever seen. (80 years+ and the runoff area is still barely growing with scrub brush. mostly it is desolate barrens.

for anyone looking to test coins to see if they are tue... I would suggest the weight test... if you can look at a 1é4 section of a coin, and the cross section looks true (colour match)... then by weight... you should be able to determine if it is pure or not.

Remember the old days... most gold was tested the easy way... Bite it... if you can creat a significant dent in it... chances are it is pretty pure. if it is like biting a well done steak... chances are it is a lower grade. Physically, even a lightweight like sparrow should be able to bend a pure goldésilver eagle or maple with her bare hands... if you cannot... or if it cracks... guess what.. it isn`t real!!!