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Thread: Sparrow's Wood Stove - she heats she cooks!

  1. #11
    For the Love of Cats

    Sniper-T's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    The Great White North!
    We used to have a stove like that at my cabin, many years ago... When that thing was full of tamarack at a good roar... the entire stove would glow a dull red. An old uncle had a neat trick... he'd crack an egg on the side of the stove, and hold a plate underneath. the egg would sizzle and "roll" down the side, and when it hit the plate it was done.

    Probably not the most sanitary of cooking especially now-a-days... but to a 3' tall Sniper-T it was the coolest trick ever!


    For the most part we didn't use the cook plate much... but there was always a dutch oven of something simmering away on top.

    We would take a grate off the gas stove to put under the pot to 'turn down the heat' without having to let the fire die down:

  2. #12
    Senior Member
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    Oct 2011
    It really is a fantastic stove! It is so air tight and self regulating for heat output I had no idea it was so easy to work a stove like this. However, my mom assures me that not all stoves are this way ... one my dad paid 1200 for in the 80s sure wasn't!

    So yeah, I am ecstatic with this stove! And keeping my eye out for others .. even if it just sits in the barn.

    That is a great idea about the metal piece to let some air circulate under! I was also thinking of getting a piece of soapstone for the top. When in Mtl next month I am going to try to score some big casti iron dutch ovens. Would be nice to fine one enamel on the outside but raw cast on the inside. I don't want anything enamel on the inside, that shit it toxic and goes into the food eventually.

    Also, I did a lot of research about cooking and opted for this stove because she is so versatile and rugged. But no oven! *cries* ... since I put in everything at such a low cost I am going to try to locate this portable oven unit, made my Pacific Energy, for the top of the stove.

    Anyone have any experience with this 'hot spot' oven? I also wondered if I could make one myself from an old toaster oven .. removing and replacing anything that isn't metal.
    Last edited by Sparrow; 12-01-2011 at 01:45 PM.

  3. #13
    Wants you to "look at what he's holding tonight".

    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    East Texas
    Wow, I need to find one like that.

  4. #14
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    LQQks great! I miss the smell of a wood stove.



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