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Thread: Colloidal Silver

  1. #11
    The hot sexy one

    TroubleShooter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sniper-T View Post
    Interesting points... but, lets look at that at a post SHTF scenario that we're prepping for...

    Where do you plan on buying your silver nitrate from 6 months into an event?

    will you need/want a method of making the same type thing yourself?

    Is it a bad thing to know how to make this?

    and lastly, forgiving the mainstream anti-'s against it... do you really see this as a bad thing to know?

    I personally have been treated with this for major burns, and for major trauma (abrasions). I PERSONALLY feel that this is a good thing, and thus my sharing here. IF you have contrary information, besides the mainstream blah blah blah... I would certainly entertain it.

    Please elaborate!
    As far as I know, no one has any evidence to disprove or approve the use of CS for infections, I am still studying the type of silver forumla they are using in the FDA approved solutions...I can see where CS could be a possible player, but I need to understand the how and why... I deal with electrolysis destroying engines regularly, so the process is not unique but is quite common given the right conditions. I am thinking the human body is capable of electrolysis, which would support the "Silver Spoon Theory" but yet does not support the "spoiled milk Theory".....or the "Keeping water fresh theory"
    One thing all theories have in common is ........Silver is somehow dissolved..But yet none of them involved totally destroying the silver metal...Which the making of CS does. .......Silver nitrate is diluted to .5% for application to external wounds...

    In most all readings you will find they refer to this......
    •The Greeks used silver vessels to keep water and other liquids fresh. The writings of Herodotus, the Greek philosopher and historian, date the use of silver to before the birth of Christ.
    •The Roman Empire stored wine in silver urns to prevent spoilage.
    •The use of silver is mentioned in ancient Egyptian writings.
    •In the Middle Ages, silverware protected the wealthy from the full brunt of the plague.
    •Before the advent of modern germicides and antibiotics, it was known that disease-causing pathogens could not survive in the presence of silver. Consequently, silver was used in dishware, drinking vessels and eating utensils.
    •In particular, the wealthy stored and ate their food from silver vessels to keep bacteria from growing.
    •The Chinese emperors and their courts ate with silver chopsticks.
    •The Druids have left evidence of their use of silver.
    •Settlers in the Australian outback suspend silverware in their water tanks to retard spoilage.
    •Pioneers trekking across the American West found that if they placed silver or copper coins in their casks of drinking water, it kept the water safe from bacteria, algae, etc.
    •All along the frontier, silver dollars were put in milk to keep it fresh. Some of us remember our grandparents doing the same.
    •Silver leaf was used to combat infection in wounds sustained by troops during World War I.
    •Prior to the introduction of antibiotics, Colloidal Silver was used widely in hospitals and has been known as a bactericide for at least 1200 years.
    •In the early 1800s, doctors used silver sutures in surgical wounds with very successful results.
    •In Ayurvedic medicine, silver is used in small amounts as a tonic, elixir or rejuvenative agent for patients debilitated by age or disease.
    So in short...............My question is why, must we use a process to make CS , when most all evidence which most CS suppliers base their product on , does not support the very process. If a silver coin in a tub of water , milk or the use of pure silverware was enough then why is it not enough now......

    From my readings I can also put forth a theory.............Placing a silvercoin in a tub of water and consuming the water will protect me, if the silvercoin in the water or milk is enough to prevent spoilage, then would it not also be enough to prevent bacteria in my system.....

    Just some of my thoughts...........

  2. #12
    For the Love of Cats

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    Interesting points... and thoughts!

    Thank you for taking the time to back your initial statements!

    I will take some time, and review your post, before I refute, dispute, or back your claims, but being a student of history, I am familiar enough to know offhand that most of the 'facts' that you claimed are 100% true, without research. My only question would be that if the ancients (Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, etc; knew about making CS, and had the means, would they? Is CS the next evolution, the next step, that they didn't have the ability to achieve?

    If you look into recent history, you'll see that CS was first touted in a serious way by the holistic practicioners in the 80's. and there was a SERIOUS 'slander' campaign raised by the 'true' medical field to discredit it.

    IMO: if placing things I drink into silver, or placing silver into things I drink... IS a good thing... Then I still do not see how disolving silver into a drink, is Bad.

    To answer your question... let me ask you one: Willow bark was used as an analgesic for milenia prior to our technilogical advancement. It worked, it was effective, and it was readily available.... why then did they refine it into acetycylic acid (aspirin)? Why do they prescribe aspirin to so many, when they could just recommend drinking willow bark tea?

    Thanks again for the thought provoking post!
    Last edited by Sniper-T; 01-11-2012 at 03:46 AM.

  3. #13
    The hot sexy one

    TroubleShooter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sniper-T View Post
    Interesting points... and thoughts!

    Thank you for taking the time to back your initial statements!

    I will take some time, and review your post, before I refute, dispute, or back your claims, but being a student of history, I am familiar enough to know offhand that most of the 'facts' that you claimed are 100% true, without research. My only question would be that if the ancients (Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, etc; knew about making CS, and had the means, would they? Is CS the next evolution, the next step, that they didn't have the ability to achieve?

    If you look into recent history, you'll see that CS was first touted in a serious way by the holistic practicioners in the 80's. and there was a SERIOUS 'slander' campaign raised by the 'true' medical field to discredit it.

    IMO: if placing things I drink into silver, or placing silver into things I drink... IS a good thing... Then I still do not see how disolving silver into a drink, is Bad.

    To answer your question... let me ask you one: Willow bark was used as an analgesic for milenia prior to our technilogical advancement. It worked, it was effective, and it was readily available.... why then did they refine it into acetycylic acid (aspirin)? Why do they prescribe aspirin to so many, when they could just recommend drinking willow bark tea?

    Thanks again for the thought provoking post!
    why then did they refine it into acetycylic acid (aspirin)? Why do they prescribe aspirin to so many, when they could just recommend drinking willow bark tea?
    A natural remedy does not line the pockets of big business, they rely on making the item easy to use, consistent and accessible for profit. Just like Mcdonalds and other fastfood companies do to the food supply, once enough becomes lazy and dependent they rake in profits ...

  4. #14
    For the Love of Cats

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    necro bump for the newbies, based on Grumpies mention of it in the antibiotic thread.

    has anyone made it, found any new sources, or come up with anything else to add?

    I picked up some wire from a jeweler friend. it's like silver soldier, but about 12 gauge... and .999 pure. They use it for repairing other jewellery.

    and then I put it away and forgot completely about it. but then again, I don't think I've been sick since then either.
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  5. #15
    Where's the epi?

    ladyhk13's Avatar
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    Well please get sick so you can try it out for us
    I apologize for nothing...

  6. #16
    For the Love of Cats

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    Give a man fire, and he'll be warm for a day!
    Light a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life!

    Cat's are food... not friends!

    If you're going to fight, then fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp into Noah's arc... and brother, it's starting to rain.

  7. #17
    Thunder Lizard Canning Club Chapter of the Old Farts Society

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    The best ionic silver generator
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    Quo Vadis?

    Luke 22:36, And he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

  8. #18
    stark assed naked and butt to nut with no issues
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    My grandfather used to take CS for as long as I can remember, something about to do with a old fashioned remedy or something like that. After doing some research on it, Theres plenty of "old wives tales" about how good it is for you, but no real stories about benefits of Colloidal Silver. One website even lists from A to Z all of the things it cures. . .

    Colloidal Silver has been used for CENTURIES (dating back to the Ancient Greeks for use as a preservative, and to the 9th century for use as a medicine). Both a natural antibiotic and purifier, colloidal silver has been used successfully treat, or alleviate the symptoms of more than 650 different diseases, including, but certainly not limited to:

    Acne, AIDS, allergies, appendicitis, arthritis, athlete’s foot
    Bladder inflammation, blood parasites, blood poisoning, boils, burns
    Cancer, candida, cholera, colitis, conjunctivitis, cystitis
    Dermatitis, diabetes, dysentery
    Gastritis, gonorrhea
    Hay fever, herpes
    Impetigo, indigestion
    Leprosy, leukemia, lupus, lymphangitis, Lyme disease
    Malaria, meningitis
    Parasitic infections: viral, fungal and bacterial
    pneumonia, pleurisy, prostate, pruritus ani, psoriasis, purulent
    Rhinitis, rheumatism, ringworm
    Scarlet fever, septic conditions of the eyes, ears, mouth, and throat
    seborrhea, septicemia, shingles, skin cancer, staphylococcus and streptococcus infections, stomach flu, syphilis
    Thyroid, tuberculosis, tonsillitis, toxemia, trachoma
    Ulcers of the stomach
    All forms of Virus, veterinary uses (such as canine parovirus)
    Warts, whooping cough
    Yeast infection
    and even….get this….fungal and viral attacks on PLANTS.

    The problem I have with this, is some of this stuff is known to have no known cure. . . but no all of a sudden colloidal silver is curing it? Dont you think there would be a huge write up about this? ground breaking news? front page story?

    After checking into it deeper and talking to a few medical professionals, they couldnt give me any good benefits for it either, and one even pointed out a story about a guy who turned blue after taking it for a few years. Although this has been speculated that it was pharmaceutical companies who were behind the story of his death in regards to colloidal silver. Apparently this guy was making his own colloidal silver variant and overdosing on it.

    One of the docs even emailed me a link in regards to it. Mayo Clinic even warns against it.

    excessive doses of colloidal silver can cause possibly irreversible serious health problems, including kidney damage and neurological problems such as seizures. Colloidal silver products may also interact with medications, including penicillamine, quinolone, tetracycline and thyroxine medications.
    So while both sides of the fence seems to have its own version of how good or bad it is, myself personally, I think Im ok without it. I have a pretty good immune system, I have worked on building it up over the past few years by doing all sorts of what could be considered dumb ass moves. (drinking water from streams that had Giardia for example, gotten sick, healed up, went back and drank more, got sick again, healed up, went back, drank more, didnt get as sick, ect ect, til now I never got sick. ) As mentioned in a different thread, Ive pretty much eaten stuff that will make a billygoat puke, and I still do it to this day. Overall, I think I have a pretty good developed immune system, so I dont see a need to add colloidal silver to it.
    Its fine to have one,
    Its fine to be proud of it,
    But please dont whip it out in public and start waving it around,
    And PLEASE dont try to force it down my children's throats.

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  9. #19
    Damn the propane, save the bacon!

    LUNCHBOX's Avatar
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    ^^^^l like Snipers post/info....then again, l like that Troubleshooter just gave some more options. When l get the chance l will copy and place the instructions in my "Big Book" for future reference. I liked the thought of a coin under the tongue...l remember something about a penny giving you a fever...makes one wonder.
    Be ready now, you won't have that chance later.

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