Quote Originally Posted by bacpacker View Post
Vodin, check out www.TotallyTomatos.com. They carry several varities that are from Russia and will tolerate colder weather than a normal mater. I have tried some in early spring and late fall here with decent luck. Much better than types we normally grow.
Never looked into cold weather peppers.
Thank you backpacker your idea is a good one. I purchase through Botanical Interests since they are in state and I have a connection with one of their botanists. The key ingredient is the short grow season of Colorado. And the San Marzano is one that I have been struggling with. I can not get a decent sized crop but I am trying many methods.

This year I am going bonzo with quantity and planting them every where to see what is the best place for growth. Keep in mind my lot is on 50'x80' and yes my house sits on it.