Hi all, Happy Mother's Day. We're still doing all right. DH was crunching the numbers for the new boxes and was cruising on line. Came across company selling what we've been looking to build at better costs. They came Friday and DH put them together and is in the process of staining the outsides of the boxes, protection from the elements. Now that the freeze is done(we hope) we should be able to get things going outside. Weatherman says by Friday we should be in the 70's and up.We're shut down till my Birthday (May 28th) but we're able to go to garden centers now. Son 2 stopped by to give me Mother's day present, mini tea roses in a pot and the cutest card. Yes he social distanced so I couldn't hug him. DH "took" me out for dinner, pick up from our fav restaurant LOL. Talked to Son1, he finally got someone from Unemployment and they fixed the error and sent him a check for the 4-6 weeks he didn't get it. So they are okay, DIL1 hand surgery got moved to Monday,11th so we're waiting to hear how it goes. The two older kids are ok and will be back to Dad's the 22nd. Grand daughter 1 permanently with dad (YAY HOO!!!). GRson1 will stay with the psycho for now but will spend summer with Dad. GR daughter 3(their lil sis) is VERY into the Disney princesses, right now it's Snow White. So when we face time we have to "kiss" her awake.Gr son2 and GrDaughter 2 are doing fine but "Grandma we NEED more popcorn" I have Costco card, so will be heading there this week and will pick them up some more micro popcorn and more bottled water. Their water is okay but upsets Son's and grandsons stomachs so they use bottled water to drink. Told Son 2 IF he has to, come here and fill the bottles as we have GREAT water. He said he just might do that but won't bring the kids.Told him we understand. Will drop the stuff I get off on porch, see the kids and the grand dog thru the window. So far so good with us, Son2 did tell us that one of the meat plants will be off line for a long time as the workers will not go back until this has gotten under control. His company does have smaller local farms they buy from so while things will be rationed we should still be able to get meat but for how long, not sure. He said packages look like the old government packages we used to get when Pop lost his job. Both boys know the family history so they have had me give them the recipes Mom used during the hard time to feed all 7 of us.Well it's late gotta go to bed, just finished day 7 of the home grown network seminars .
Stay safe and God bless.