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Thread: I think one of my best friend is a prepper

  1. #1
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    TEOTWAWKI13's Avatar
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    I think one of my best friend is a prepper

    So, I was messing around on facebook yesterday and saw a post congratulating one of my best friends on teaching a CERT training class in Sandy Springs, GA. I haven't seen him too much in recent years, we're both married with kids now, so our hanging out days are few and far between. The fact that he's married now is sorta my fault

    So I call him yesterday, he tells me to come take his CERT classes instead of in my county, that it doesn't really matter where you take them and his classes are more in depth.

    So I'm playing dumb the whole time, trying to get him to tell me he's a prepper type, but he wouldn't and I didn't want to come across as "Alex Jones" so I let it go. He's a firefighter, and now I know he teaches these classes, something tells me he's on board. I know he's a country boy like me, hunts, fishes, etc.

    Hopefully this could be the makings of a small MAG in the works, who knows?
    Last edited by TEOTWAWKI13; 03-23-2011 at 08:18 PM.

  2. #2
    The source of all known trouble in the universe

    RedJohn's Avatar
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    There are so many proofs nowadays that some level of preparation is needed, that I would not be surprised that many more are. The problem is that so many think that preppers are nuts. Hopefully this site will convince them otherwise.

    Why did not you tell him that you were. This may have prompted him to say it he actually was.

  3. #3
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Probably will be a great thing if he is. Always good to know others that are preppers, espcially if they are already freinds and you get along well.

  4. #4
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    I didn't say anything just because I was feeling him out so to speak. I hadn't talked to him in a while and I didn't want to jump into it like that. I did mention that I had some water and food put up (using some local flooding that he would remember as my reasoning) which he replied "well you're ahead of most people". And he kept telling me that they focus a lot on after a disaster. So, I'll keep digging a bit, see to what extent he preps.

  5. #5
    NVG....totally a work deduction!

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    Good luck, I hope to make a find like that one day. Unfortunately I think most of my friends are clueless.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by cwconnertx View Post
    Good luck, I hope to make a find like that one day. Unfortunately I think most of my friends are clueless.
    Yeah, I hear ya. My brother of all people is a sheep. He hunts and fishes, and all the country boy stuff, and he's not an Obama fan, he knows the govt is dangerous, and all that....but tell him to put some food and water away in case something happens and he says "I can't go through life worried about what might happen."

    My parents, whose parents lived through Great Depression I and were totally self reliant, may have a weeks worth of food. I have some stored and they know it, and they agree with it, but they don't do it. ????

  7. #7
    I'll most likely shit myself

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    My grandparents went thru the depression and lived very close to the vest thier whole lives. My parents grew up in this mode and farmed raising most all their food. We did to growing up. they still garden and put up probably 3 months worth each year. I've talked to them, gave them books that stress preparedness. They just don't see the need to prepare more than that. My sister won't prepare much at all. I bet they don't have more tahn a week or 2 laid back. The in laws for the most part are even worse, they live over 600 miles away so not really muc I can do there anyway.
    It's depressing to even think about. I am open for ideas anyone has. If I caome up with any, I'll gladly post them here for all to use.

  8. #8
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    I think that some people (like your friend) might have certain skills but doesn't neccesarilly mean they are preppers. I would ask questions that will find out if they are aware of the political situation in the world and here at home. It does no good to be certified in certain areas if they don't know what is going on. They will not use the skills for themselves unless they have a reason too. You can always ask questions that are not SHTF specific like, what would you do in case of (something common to your area ex. tornado, hurricane etc.) and do you currently have things in place for it? I would ask as if I were a newbie and wanted info. It would sound innocent and since he deals CERT training you can use that to feel him out.
    Where are you going to be when SHTF?

    Wanna go camping?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by jmrdrgz View Post
    I think that some people (like your friend) might have certain skills but doesn't neccesarilly mean they are preppers.
    That's sorta what popped into my mind. Being as he's a firefighter, teaching CERT classes just may be job related for him and nothing more. Who knows?

  10. #10
    Crotch Rocket

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    Quote Originally Posted by jmrdrgz View Post
    I think that some people (like your friend) might have certain skills but doesn't neccesarilly mean they are preppers. I would ask questions that will find out if they are aware of the political situation in the world and here at home. It does no good to be certified in certain areas if they don't know what is going on. They will not use the skills for themselves unless they have a reason too. You can always ask questions that are not SHTF specific like, what would you do in case of (something common to your area ex. tornado, hurricane etc.) and do you currently have things in place for it? I would ask as if I were a newbie and wanted info. It would sound innocent and since he deals CERT training you can use that to feel him out.
    Pardon me if I'm reading this wrong, but... politics are the sole cause of shtf, and not acknowledging/ tracking that nullifies any knowledge/ skills a person may have, which they will never use anyway without adverse politics affecting them, because localized natural disasters don't qualify as shtf events?
    Last edited by mitunnelrat; 06-04-2011 at 01:40 PM. Reason: Removed content that came across as hostile and prickish. Definitely not my intent.
    Consilio et animis


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