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Thread: OK, I have totally lost it........

  1. #11
    Do you have a robot?
    realist's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Northern CA,
    BR very nice set up. When I think of mobile that is what I would like to have. I have had my license and have yet to get my shit together, it is on my to do list, the equipment not my shit.

    K outstanding. It is important to start right away and get what you need. If you don't then you will procrastinate like I have. My biggest fear is to have a major incident and not have comms. To make matters worst is I can afford the equipment so there is no excuse.
    If it is predictable then it is preventable....... Gordon Graham

    So if it is predictable and preventable then you better prepare.

  2. #12
    may be in trouble

    Join Date
    May 2015
    Mid-South TN
    BWRR13's switching ETC. box has a fascination for me, as I want to put together a portable one for my station. So far that runs to a Radio Shack HTX-10 for HF and a Kenwood TM-241 for UHF, plus a 30A AC power supply (the previously mentioned MegaWatt S-350-12).

    The other gear I add to this:

    An Anderson 4004 powerstrip , three DPDT knife switches, two deepcycle batteries, a maintainer, a 110 VAC 4 position power strip for the maintainer and the -350 to run on when I have access to AC.

    Not manpackable, I know... but will fit on a beefed up two wheeled shopping cart, I think.

    de KI7CIL


  3. #13
    finally pooped
    jamesneuen's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Upper Peninsula
    That is a pretty looking lid, I think it would look even prettier with a solar panel mounted to it..... just saying.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gunfixr View Post
    Welcome to the internet.
    One of us types in our heart and soul, and then puts it up for the world.
    Then, the rest get to interpret it.
    It is literal, or figurative?
    Sad, or happy?
    Angry, or calm?
    Just black and white words on a screen.
    Not like a conversation in person, with facial expressions, body language, tone of voice.

    Still, we here pretty much slide along without issues.
    Imagine how well we could get along in person.

    Or, we would just think each other is a bunch of assholes

  4. #14
    may be in trouble

    Join Date
    May 2015
    Mid-South TN
    Aaaaaannnd there are other folks with similar items. "Go-Kits" or "Go-Boxes" ,"shack-in-a-box"... YGTI. Simply put, a grab and go container of comms, generally only needing power (though not always, it appeared to me some of the larger ones had DC power with a smart-charger to be plugged into AC etc.) antenna, and ground. IF I can dig up the ARRL article I found on the matter, I'll post it.

    My thought will be to have something that I can quickly fasten the base rigs into and run with. Like the rails in older computer towers, with a latch on the end to secure.

  5. #15
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    East Tennessee
    Go-kits come in all sizes and make ups. I have seen them as small as a .30 cal ammo can up to a large cube type container that would hold a complete HF/VHF/UHF/ digital station including power and solar to recharge the batteries.
    Just depends on your needs and wants. And ability to fund them of course.



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