I haven't gotten out on one of these since last spring, and I'm figuring I'm well overdue, so I'm tentatively planning for an outing next month. This time I'm thinking about doing something more (relatively speaking) realistic, and adding in a long - very long - road march/ overland hike. Running, Running Maps and Running Routes, Runners Community | MapMyRUN tells me my projected route is 28.23 miles long. The first half will be along dirt roads, which (assuming it snows by then, it hasn't here yet) may or may not be well plowed.

From there I'm looking to move 2-3 miles overland across a large state game area I'm more or less familiar with. Most of that will be on well defined, flat trails, with a stretch roughly one half to one mile long through some rugged terrain to reach my next roadway. I'll be traversing a series of gullies and ridges to get through that. I've never been through that section yet, but know there's an adjoining private property enclosed with a chain link fence. I'll have little to no chance of getting lost if I just follow that.

My next section of roadway is paved, but very hilly, and full of curves. I actually think it'll be the most dangerous portion of my walk since it'll have the heaviest traffic, and oncoming vehicles will have reduced visibility here. Luckily I only have about a mile of that, and I'm back on dirt roads, excepting six of my final 7 miles, where I'll be back on hardball.

Its going to be an ass kicker.

I'm not sure if I'll be able to camp out on that state game area or not, I think its closed to camping and/ or open fires. Either way I'm planning to RON (remain over night) outside "somewhere" for this trip, and complete the second half of the walk on the second day. So, with that in mind, I'm once again offering up my time to do field tests and reviews for the membership here. If the weight penalty isn't too great, or the action too extreme, I'll go for it, just have to let me know what you'd like to see.

I'll post up a proposed load out asap, but can already tell you I'll be trying Mainstay bars for the first time this trip, and I'm thinking about making some trades for a Henry Survival Rifle as a BOB gun. My review will otherwise be pretty standard fare: shelter type, fire making, etc.

I'm dreading and looking forward to this all at the same time.