Message from Stig: A discussion started in a different thread about ambushes and protecting cars from attack.

While this is a very specific scenario, and our world has gone to shit if this happens, it's still a subject to consider. It's not that far of a stretch to imagine a family trying to evacuate post hurricane and getting stopped by gang members. Or a car getting caught up in the crossfire of an active shooter or terrorist event.

Here are the original posts that got the conversation kicked off.....

Something that immediately hit me as possibly being a better option is a bomb blanket, so I googled it.

Lo and behold there's also a ballistic barrier blanket on the market. Its pricey, but I think investing in the big one would keep the armor off the kids' bodies, sparing them any blunt force trauma they might experience from worn armor, and protect them as they grow and develop into being able to wear armor of their own.

ETA: I'll still have to remember this baby version for if/ when I ever have a kid of my own