Hi everyone, I was in a ton of pain last night and couldn't get comfortable in the bed so I went out to the couch as it's a bit softer, anyhow as I laid down I turned on the tube and guess what show came on? You guessed it, Doomsday Preppers. As I watched these people it occurred to me that perhaps I was a bit hasty in my original assessment of these programs. I still draw the line at Zombies however, .

As I watched the show a few thoughts struck me and so I thought I would share these with anyone that is interested in them.

The first couple that they showed have done a great job of setting up a safe location, (Its well defended, stocked with adequate supplies, and has multiple water sources and backups for everything). They also had plans in place to bug out and take a considerable amount of their supplies with them. The trouble that I have with the first example of preppers and what they fail to tell people is these people must have had an awful lot of money to spend on prepping. As I added up the costs of just my estimate of the land, shelter, and transportation that they had on hand I found myself arriving at a completely impossible number, at least in my case, Something like 100,000 dollars +. Most likely much more than that. Sorry guys but if I am going to spend that kind of money I'm going to build a fortress on top of a mountain someplace surrounded by a moat and with all of the comforts of life installed to run off of solar and wind energy ect. ect like the rich and famous are doing. It was a great example of how to prep but it fails to take into consideration that most people are not privy to that kind of money.

The second guy was interesting as well but while this guy was extremely smart about quite alot of things and had taught himself a whole lot of very valuable skills as I could see, he clearly hadn't thought his situation through quite thoroughly enough. Yes he knew some plants that he could eat, and he has taught himself how to survive by using nature as it was intended to be used which I found admirable, however he apparently thinks that he is going to be able to do it in the middle of L.A. without any weapons and without leaving the city, (at least that's how they portrayed him), and he also believes that he will survive alone. I'm sorry but anyone who thinks that they can survive a societal collapse by themselves is only fooling themselves and will most surely perish.

The last girl that they showed I thought was the most realistic portrayal of the average prepper. She was unable to afford to just go out and buy everything that she needed so she has slowly accumulated things a little at a time. She was learning and practicing new and valuable skills, and she was being proactive. The biggest problem I saw with her idea of prepping was that her plans were unrealistic and mostly based on stereotypical ideas that she has read on the internet. I'm sorry guys but this sweet, intelligent, well fit girl is just not going to be able to just sit around in her high rise apartment for 14 days and then hike out of the city to her safe vehicle, ( which by the way will most likely not be there when she arrives), and then get in and drive to Mexico, but she truly believes that she will. I think that this is one of the biggest mistakes that people are making in regards to preparing themselves. Oh ya and once again she is yet another prepper that thinks that she will make it alone.

All in all though I guess shows like this do have their purpose and the preppers that were on the show probably have more than enough money to prep even more now and buy everything that they think they should have, I just hope that in the end it turns out to be enough for them. Just my .02.