Anybody see this movie?
Saw the trailer waiting to see Act of Valor, and it looked interesting. Well, a friend of our daughter was invited to see it, and then go to her friends' for a sleep over.
You know, a bunch of teenage girls. Glad it wasn't at my house.
Anyway, since one of us had to deliver her to the theater, and we both wanted to see it anyway, we just both went, and stayed to see it ourselves.
Between the time I saw the trailer and the time I saw the movie, I learned that it is based on a trilogy of books, and I believe the author wrote the screenplay.
All in all, we thought is was a pretty good, entertainment wise. It seems to be generating a fair bit of controversy, as it is set with everybody living under a totalitarian regime that has been in power for some time. As "punishment" for some "uprising" that happened quite some time back, every district (there are 12) must submit one male and one female to got to the capitol (where the elite live in opulence, versus the poverty of the rest), get about 1 week training in fighting and survival, and then are set loose to grab whatever supplies and weapons they can. Only one can win, by being the last one alive.
This happens yearly.
Of course the area of "the games" is heavily loaded with cameras, the contestants all have implanted trackers, and the whole thing is televised.
It didn't seem to portray the life under totalitarianism as especially good. It didn't seem to portray any particular country. The elites were pretty freaky, been secluded way too long.
Plenty entertaining, and the best fighter wasn't guaranteed a win, as the elements were just as dangerous as the other players.