I belong to about 7 forums that deal with some form of prepping and i allways get a kick out of some people ideas about a super sized homestead with them beening the only one on it or the socalled super duper bov that has all the lastest toys on it and they can not drive it because it use to much gas .

Here is some of the thing's i do try to teach someone when they first ask about prepping lifestyle

1-be energy independent that means solar or wind power set up ..That also means spending money on good qualty items in the field of solar and wind home power system not some cheap junk items that will break down under hard use

2-be smart when it comes to you personal money matters .--That means in my book do not spend money where you do not need to .Also control your monthly out going month that is spent on the bills along with making your lifestyle about beening smart about the things that you buy for prepping

Also i tell them that pay off all there outstanding bills and get rid of the credit cards all but one and keep that one for use as it need and pay the bill as it comes in so not to have a bult up of intrest on the amount that you own them and have it carryed for a while .As part the whole thing about beening money wise i tell them if can not buy it saight out then do not put it on a credit card because of the simple fact about paying cash for it it better for you in the long run

3-live small --be small to me that means live in a small house on a small sized lot that you can manage to work yourself without having to much trouble along with the simple basic fact if your single or couple without childern or the childern is grown and left the nest there is no need for a super sized home and house payment .

As i pointed out to one person i do not need to worry about my land because i have gotten the lot down to a 1/2 arce sized lot that holds everything i need to survive from my raised bed food growing production area to my small home for me to live in full tie plus also having my own well for fresh water and my septic system for my litle home .'

My well is powered by solar and i have back up system that allows me to hand pump the water if need be .

4-Vehicles this is my biggest problem with people who say they need a super duper bug out vehicle and when i asked them this single question i get a stange look from them .

The question is in two parts -first part of the question is how much are you willing to give up when gas get over $5.oo to 8.oo dollars a gallon to drive the socalled super duper bov .

second part of the question now with all the vehicles you have can you drive the socalled bov as a daily driver and if not what happens if your stuck at the office and your super duper bov is at home .

That way i tell that my socalled bov is my daily driver along with chosing my socalled bov it because of the price of gas could get higher and i need to drive to and from work for 4-days a week in my socalled part time job that i have right now .