I have seen there are a few of us who keep operator gloves on hand. What about rubber gloves? I have seen a pair or two in a med kit but don't you think they would be a good idea to have more on hand. If you think a cold (or worse) is bad now when meds are available, what about later? Then there are the basic N95 masks. They are not costly by any means. If you have watched any of the scenario movies like Carriers, Contagion or any other....they have gloves and masks. It just seems that it is a couple of good items to have around. I for one don't want to handle or breath in something if I could have prevented it before hand.

It may not seem like a big deal but next time your out and about look around at who might be coughing their way into your home now, not to mention later. Not being paranoid, just protective.