In reading the threads in the financial forum, here in the general forum and in the Intelligence and breaking news forum, that we have addressed being mentally prepared for bugging out and coming home to loss, for mentally preparing and training for violent encounters and for mentally preparing for SHTF. What we haven't covered is maintaining a positive mental attitude for the myriad daily struggles we all have; loss of a loved one or friend, financial worries, theft, illness or infirmities, challenges with others and that most devastating of all-self-doubt.

My boss (the owner) and I had a 2 hour meeting this morning wherein we went over upcoming projects, production schedules, construction schedules, critical paths and P&L. In our industry, 90 days has become the new 30 days. And over regulation is stifling projects and payments. It is a daily struggle to stay in business. And he emigrated here from Europe to escape Socialism. So he is dismayed as am I with how our younger generation has lost the "can-do" attitude that used to be prevalent here.

We discussed the worries and doubts we both experience on a day to day basis in trying to keep the company going. And then we discussed how important it is to have a positive mental attitude, not only for the company's success, but for employee morale and for our own health (we're both on the far side of 50; he farther than I). He's an atheist; I am not. But surprisingly we both have similar approaches to maintaining a positive outlook.
Take time for yourself to treat yourself good (I find that a banana split is great for this). Stay hydrated (seriously). Take pleasure in the simple things-your garden, sunrise, sunset, birds. rabbits (I've got a bazillion in my neighborhood and they all come out at dusk), nature in general, and in family. And we both do something my grandmother taught me- to count your blessings.

Compared to some of my friends recently, my losses are trivial compared to theirs. I have a job; I'm not too worried about bills; I have my family and friends; and while this isn't where I thought I'd end up it's still a pretty good place. And most of all I stay close to my faith and look for the good, especially when it is so easy to see the bad. Not to get all Pollyanna, but I figure that I can be as happy and positive as I want to be.
And in these times I need to be happy and positive all the time so that I don't get overwhelmed by daily life and its challenges; because if I do I'm failing myself and the people who rely on me. For me, failure is not an option!

How do the rest of you ants maintain your positive mental outlook?