Went to the expo last week end, think I posted elsewhere ,was a bit disappointing as half the vendors didn't show .Got some good information and met a few like minded people.Came home re energized(been a bit down lately). went this week end to university annual fruit and veggie sale. Came home with a flat of Roma tomatoes, a huge butternut squash,acorn squash and some peppers. They had as well as EVERYBODY around here tons of apples Haven't finished getting ours off the trees yet has been raining something awful here last two weeks so most of the apples are still on the trees. Monday we are processing the maters and it should dry up pretty good beginning of the week so we can get the ladder set up safely and get the rest of the apples, we're going to be VERY busy this next week. I'm still somewhat restricted,so DH will have to get the pots on the stove, lift the jars AND screw most of the rings on for me. We also celebrated our 44th anniversary last week. I got a new water canner OH and a beautiful bouquet of flowers. It's official I gave DH two boxes for his present. It's the Chantix I started today so far so good no reaction(allergy wise). Just pray I DO NOT react badly to this stuff. Will let you all know how I am doing in the next 2 months.